Service on 10/27/2024

Festival of the Reformation

All Upcoming Services

Rite Four
Service Notes
  1. Invocation; Te Deum (hymn #42); Confession (p. 61, I)
  2. Entrance Hymn: #227:1-4
  3. Kyrie Hymn: #34
  4. Gloria Hymn: #36
  5. The Collect (p. 166, #142)
  6. The Old Testament: 2 Chronicles 29:12-19; Psalm 46 (hymn #250); CW#73D (St. John's Lutheran School Choir); The Epistle: Revelation 14:6-7
  7. The Chief Hymn: #227:5-8
  8. The Gospel: Matthew 11:12-15
  9. The Creed Hymn: #38
  10. The Sermon
  11. The Prayer of the Church (p. 96)
  12. The Offering
  13. The Exhortation
  14. The Lord's Prayer (p. 53)
  15. The Consecration (p. 54)
  16. The Distribution and Reception of the Holy Sacrament; Hymns: #40, #41, #316-317, #327; CW #813 (St. John's Lutheran School Choir)
  17. The Collect of Thanksgiving (p. 56)
  18. The Benediction (p. 56)
  19. A Hymn: #227:9-12

The Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Refuge. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. God is our Refuge and Strength, A very present Help in trouble. Glory...

Reformation, Saints' Days