Cross Reference Table

"As Surely as I Live," God Said Ezek 33:11 417 331 614 308 235
"Away from Us!" the Demon Cried Mark 1:23-26 541
"Come, Follow Me," the Savior Spake Matt 16:24 422 421 688 453 379 455
"Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive" Luke 11:4 843 493 307 877
"How Shall they Hear," Who Have Not Heard Rom 10:14-15 831 868
A Great and Mighty Wonder John 1:14 113 76 383 36 51
A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing Acts 1:9-11 389 212 493 171 149 157
A Lamb alone bears willingly Is 53:1-12 331 142 438 100 111 105
A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth Is 53:1-12 331 142 438 100 111 105
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Ps 46:1, 7, 11 250 262 656 200 298 228
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Ps 46:1, 7, 11 251 262 656 201 297 229
A Multitude Comes from the East and the West Matt 8:11-12 200 415 510 464 313
A Pilgrim and a Stranger Ps 29:12 586
A Rest Remaineth for the Weary Heb 4:9 615
A Stable Lamp is Lighted Luke 2:6-7 74 810
Abide with Me Luke 24:29 561 552 878 588 490 272
Abide with Us Our Savior Luke 24:29 312 53 919 333 287 263
Abide with Us the Day is Waning Luke 24:13-35 563 194
Abide, O Dearest Jesus Luke 24:29 312 53 919 333 287 263
Across the Sky the Shades of Night Ps 121:1 110 899 69 181
Addoramus te Domine Rev 11:16-19 894
Agnus Dei—I John 1:29 962
Agnus Dei—II John 1:29 963
Ah Holy Jesus How Hast Thou Offended Luke 23:20-24 292 143 439 117 119 123
Alabare Rev 5:8-13 799 896 791
Alas My God My Sins Are Great Ps 38:4 317 232
Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed Matt 27:45-50 282 154 437 129 97 98
All Christians Who Have Been Baptized Rom 6:1-10 596
All Creatures of Our God and King Ps 65:8-13 436 527
All Depends on Our Possessing Matt 6:19-34 468 425 732 421 415 447
All for Christ I Have Forsaken Phil 3:7-14 753
All Glory Be to God Alone Luke 2:10-14 36 238 948 262 210
All Glory Be to God on High Luke 2:14 35 237 947 263 215 166
All Glory, Laud, and Honor John 12:12-15 277 160 442 131 102 108
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Rev 19:16 49 339 549 370 272 328
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Rev 19:16 49 339 549 370 272 329
All Mankind Fell in Adam's Fall Rom 5:12-21 491 369 562 378 363
All men Living Are But Mortal Is 40:6 472 601
All My Heart Again Rejoices Luke 2:8-14 115 77 360 37 39 46
All My Heart Sings and Rejoices Luke 2:11 115 77 360 37 39 46
All My Heart This Night Rejoices Luke 2:11 115 77 360 37 39 46
All People that on Earth Do Dwell Ps 100 51 14 791 233 435 245
All Praise to God Who Reigns Above Deut 32:3 435 19 819 236 452 542
All Praise to Thee Eternal God John 1:14 565 80 382 33 35 48
All Praise to Thee My God This Night Ps 92:1-2 558 883 592 484 278
All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine Phil 2:5-11 815 862
All Praise to You Eternal Lord John 1:14 565 80 382 33 35 48
All the Earth with Joy Is Sounding Matt 12:39-41 462 829
All Who Believe and Are Baptized Mark 16:16 241 301 601 299 225 194
All Who Would Valiant Be Heb 11:13-16, 33-40 383 498
All Who Would Valiant Be Heb 11:13-16, 33-40 384 498
All Ye Who on the Earth do Dwell Ecclus 50:22-24 52 581
All Ye Who on This Earth do Dwell Ecclus 50:22-24 52 581
All You Works of God, Bless the Lord Ps 103:20-22 930 914
Alleluia! Jesus is Risen Matt 28:5-7 474 674
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus Rev 7:9-14 821 169 158 851
Alleluia, Song of Gladness Ps 137:1-6 417 819 654
Allelujah/Alleluia/Hallelujah Let Praises Ring Rev 19:1 6 23 822 241 437
Almighty Father Strong to Save Gen 1:1-10 717 517 467 906
Almighty Father, Bless the Word Mark 4:26-29 412 52 923 323 216
Almighty God Thy Word is Cast Mark 4:3-9 228 49 577 324 342 234
Almighty God, Your Word is Cast Matt 13:3-9 228 49 577 324 342 234
Almighty Lord before Thy Throne Ps 59:16 579
Amazing Grace Eph 2:1, 4-9 744 379 509 448
Amid the World's Bleak Wilderness Ps 80:8-19 342 273 378
And will the Judge Descend Matt 25:41 610
And Wilt Thou Pardon, Lord Ps 143:4 322
Angels from the Realms of Glory Luke 2:8-17 114 136 367 80 50 50
Angels We Have Heard on High Luke 2:7-20 116 368 63 55 71
Approach My Soul the Mercy-Seat Matt 11:28 456
Arise and Shine in Splendor Is 60:1-6 166 126 396 81 85
Arise O God and Shine Is 60:3 642
Arise Sons of the Kingdom Luke 19:28 105 69
Arise, O Christian People Luke 3:4-5 75 354 14 25
Arm These Thy Soldiers, Mighty Lord Eph 6:13 508 332
Around the Throne of God a Band Ps 91:11 546 256 198
Art Thou Weary Art Thou Troubled Matt 11:28 513
As Each Happy Christmas Luke 2:4-7 117 66
As Moses Lost in Sinai's Wilderness Ps 22:3-5 324
As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams Ps 42 525 452
As Rebels, Lord, Who Foolishly Have Wandered Luke 15:11-24 612
As We Begin Another Week Rev 1:10 7 223
As with Gladness Men of Old Matt 2:1-11 168 127 397 83 75 82
At Even when the Sun did Set Mark 1:32-34 557
At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing Ex 12:22 310 633 141 126 210
At the Name of Jesus Phil 2:5-11 53 512 344 178 179
Awake My Soul to Joyful Lays Ps 36:7 340
Awake, My Heart, with Gladness Col 2:15 341 192 467 156 128 129
Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun Ps. 59:16-17 74 536 868 582 478 269
Awake, O Sleeper, Rise from Death Eph 5:1-14 697 745
Away in a Manger Luke 2:7 119 364 68 64 67 644
Baptismal Waters Cover Me Heb 10:19-23 616
Baptized into Thy Name Most Holy Matt 28:19 242 298 590 294 224 192
Baptized into Your Name Most Holy Matt 28:19 242 298 590 294 224 192
Be Present at Our Table, Lord Ps 145:15-16 775
Be Still, My Soul Ps 42:4-11 651 752 415 510
Be Still, My Soul, before the Lord Matt 7:7-8 771
Be Strong in the Lord Eph 6:10-18 665 866
Beati Pauperes Matt 5:3-12 668
Beautiful Savior Heb 1:1-13 54 657 537 369 507 518
Before Jehovah's Awefull Throne Ps 100 13 454 531
Before Jehovah's Awesome Throne Ps 100 13 454 531
Before the Ending of the Day Ps 91:1-12 889 595 489 277
Before the Lord We Bow Ps 145:1 575 966 618 500 401
Before the Throne of God Above Heb 4:14—5:10 574
Before Thee God Who Knowest All Ezra 9:15 493 318 613 306 234 310
Before You God the Judge of All Ezra 9:15 493 318 613 306 234 310
Before You, Lord, We Bow Ps 145:1 575 966 500 401
Behold a Branch is Growing Is 11:1-2 121 645 359 47 67 58
Behold a Host Like Mountains Bright Rev 7:9-17 553 656 676 550 192 314
Behold a Host, Arrayed in White Rev 7:9-17 553 656 676 550 192 314
Behold a Stranger at the Door Rev 3:20 650
Behold the Lamb of God! John 1:29 235 165 101
Behold the Savior of Mankind Luke 23:46 176
Behold the Sure Foundation-Stone Ps 118:22 460
Beloved It Is Well! Rom 11:33 519
Bless Our Loved Ones Holy Father Gen 31:49 576 643 504 469
Blessed Are the Saints of God Matt 5:14 391 394 370
Blessed Are the Sons of God Matt 5:14 391 394 370
Blessed Are They Forever Blest Ps 32 416 392 8
Blessed Jesus at Thy Word Luke 11:28 1 16 904 221 202 248
Blessed Jesus, at Your Word John 6:63-68 1 16 904 221 202 248
Blessed Savior, Who hast Taught Me Ezek 16:60 333
Blest Are They Matt 5:1-12 982 764
Blest Be the Tie that Binds Eph 4:3-6 420 464 649 494 295 370
Blest Is the Man Forever Blest Ps 32 416 392 8
Blest the Children of Our God Eph 1:3-8 370
bonum Est Confiteri Ps 92 663
Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light Is 9:2-7 118 378 44 811
Brief Life Is Here Our Portion Heb 13:14 534 448
Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning Matt 2:1-11 169 128 400 92 86 84
Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning Matt 2:1-11 169 128 400 92 86 84
Built on the Rock Matt 16:13-18 211 467 645 529 291 365
By All Your Saints in Warfare per apostle 517 552 193 177
By All Your Saints in Warfare per apostle 517 552 194 178
By All Your Saints Still Striving per apostle 517 552 193 177
By All Your Saints Still Striving per apostle 517 552 194 178
By Grace I'm Saved Eph 2:4-9 226 373 566 384 351
Cantate Domino Ps 98 667
Chief of Sinners Though I Be Rom 5:8-11 429 342 611 385 285 306
Children of the Heavenly Father Romans 8:14-17 174 725 449 474 888
Christ be My Leader John 8:12 861 367 365
Christ by Heavenly Hosts Adored Jer 29:7 566 617
Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia Matt 28:5-7 466 828 678
Christ High-Ascended, Now In Glory Seated Matt 28:18-20 840
Christ is Made the Sure Foundation Eph 2:20-22 8 909 531 367 865 747
Christ Is Our Cornerstone Eph 2:19-21 465 912 528 290
Christ is Surely Coming Rev 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20 509
Christ Is the World's Redeemer Acts 2:21-36 539 271
Christ Jesus lay in Death's Strong Bands Acts 2:24 343 195 458 161 123 134
Christ Sits at God's Right Hand Heb 7:15-28 564
Christ the Eternal Lord Matt 28:18-20 829
Christ the Lord is Risen Again Mark 16:6 344 190 155
Christ the Lord is Risen Today Luke 24:4-7 193 469 149 142 130
Christ the Lord is Risen Today; Alleluia Matt 28:5-7 345 191 463 150 137 128
Christ the Lord to Us is Born Luke 2:11 86 381 59 69 57
Christ, Mighty Savior John 1:1-5 567 881 903 729
Christ, Our Human Likeness Sharing Titus 3:4-8 847
Christ, the Life of All the Living Matt 27:33-46 333 151 420 114 94 97
Christ, the Lord of Hosts, Unshaken Rev 12:7-12 521
Christ, the Word of God Incarnate John 1:1-14 540
Christ, When for Us You Were Baptized Matt 3:13-17 815
Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies John 8:12 359 873 480 265
Christians Awake Salute the Happy Morn Luke 2:1-18 84
Christians Come in Sweetest Measures Gen 2:10 411 282
Christians While on Earth Abiding Matt 6:9-13 408 434 440
Come Down, O Love Divine Rom 5:5 9 501 162 508
Come Follow Me Said Christ the Lord Matt 16:24 422 421 688 453 379 455
Come Gracious Spirit Heavenly Dove John 16:13-14 161 475
Come Holy Ghost Creator Blest John 14:16, 26 498 177 158 473
Come Holy Ghost in Love Ezek 36:26 11 227
Come Holy Ghost Our Souls Inspire John 14:26 498 158 472
Come Holy Ghost Our Souls Inspire John 14:26 10 233 498 178 157 473
Come Holy Spirit Come Ps 51:10-12 225
Come Jesus from the Sapphire Throne Gen 28:17 634
Come Now Almighty King Rev 4:8 12 239 905 193 169 522
Come O Almighty King Rev 4:8 12 239 905 193 169 522
Come O Come Thou Quickening Spirit Rom 8:15 438 226 181 165 478
Come O Long Expected Jesus Is 9:6 6 22
Come O Precious Ransom Come Matt 21:6 88 55 350 8 34 24
Come Oh Come Life Giving Spirit Rom 8:15 438 226 181 165 478
Come Oh Come O Quickening Spirit Rom 8:15 438 226 181 165 478
Come Oh Come Thou Quickening Spirit Rom 8:15 438 226 181 165 478
Come Rejoicing, Praises Voicing Luke 2:1-16 82 371 66
Come to Calvary's Holy Mountain Zech 13:1 412 149 435 106 96 301
Come unto Me, Ye Weary Matt 11:28 413 276 684 336 345
Come Ye Disconsolate Heb 4:16 531
Come Ye Faithful Raise the Strain Ex 15:1-21 347 204 487 142 141 132
Come You Thankful People Come Is 9:3 461 574 892 613 495 407
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest John 14:16, 26 10 233 498 178 157 472
Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord Luke 11:13 2 224 497 176 154 163
Come, Join in Cana's Feast John 2:1-11 408 817
Come, Let Us Eat Matt 26:26-29 626 214
Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs Rev 5:6-14 66 344 812 227 204 254
Come, Lord Jesus, Be Our Guest Ps 145:15-16 776 892
Come, My Soul, with Every Care Matt 6:5-13 381 459 779 409 433
Come, Risen Lord Mark 14:12-25 856
Come, Thou Bright and Morning Star Ps 5:3 75 539 872
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing John 4:14 686 499 876
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Is 9:6 87 338 6 22 30
Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come Matt 20:28; 21:5 88 55 350 8 34 24
Come, We That Love the Lord Is 35:8-18 669 742
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come Matt 13:24-30 461 574 892 613 495 407
Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain Ex 15:1-21 347 204 487 142 141 132
Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising Luke 1:68-71 128 90 375 42 48 68
Comfort Comfort All My People Is 40:1-8 102 61 347 11 28 29
Comfort Comfort Now My People Is 40:1-8 102 61 347 11 28 29
Comfort Comfort Says the Voice Is 40:1-8 21
Comfort Comfort These My People Is 40:1-8 102 61 347 11 28 29
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People Is 40:1-8 102 61 347 11 28 29
Commit Whatever Grieves Thee Ps 37:5 520 754 427
Consider How the Birds Above Matt 6:25-34 736
Cradling Children in His Arm Mark 10:13-16 843
Create in Me Ps 51:10-12 956 272 5
Creator of the Stars of Night Col 1:13-17 351 31 17
Creator Spirit Heavenly Dove John 16:13-15 156 284
Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid Rom 8:9 236 500 188 167 164
Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow John 19:17-30 428 823
Crown Him with Many Crowns Rev 19:12, 16 55 341 525 341 278 170
Day of Wrath Oh Day of Mourning Zeph 1:15, 16 537 607 209
De Profundis Ps 130 664
Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice Ps 98:1-3 378 387 556 377 353 299
Dear Father Who hast Made Us All Gal 3:27 299 298
Dear Father You Have Made Us All Gal 3:27 299 298
Dear Lord to Thy True Servants Give Is 61:1, 2 482 542
Dear Lord to Your True Servants Give Is 61:1, 2 482 542
Dearest Jesus At Your Word Luke 11:28 904 202 248
Dearest Jesus, We Are Here Mark 10:13-16 244 300 592 295 226 187
Delay Not Delay Not O Sinner Draw Near Acts 24:25 278 337 349
Do Not Despair O Little Flock Luke 12:32 375 263 666 300 361
Dominus Regit Me Ps 23 662
Draw Nigh and Take the Body of the Lord Ps 34:8 314 307 637 309 240 226
Draw Us to Thee John 6:44-45 215 701 170 153
Draw Us to You Song Solomon 1:4 215 701 170 153
Drawn to the Cross which You have Blest John 12:32 390 560 387 356
Drawn to the Cross, which Thou hast Blest John 12:32 390 560 387 356
Earth and All Stars Ps 96:1 817 247 438 558
Eat This Bread John 6:35 638 854 709
Entrust Your Days and Burdens Ps 37:5 754 427
Eternal Father, Strong to Save Gen 1:1-10 717 517 467 906
Eternal Spirit of the Living Christ Rom 8:26-27 769 432 441
Evening and Morning Ps 145 57 726 430 419 465
Every Morning Mercies New Lam 3:23 537 580
Every Year the Christ Child Luke 2:4-7 117 66
Faith and Truth and Life Bestowing Matt 13:3-23 584
Farewell I Gladly Bid Thee Rev 3:5 535 407
Father in Whom We Live Acts 17:28 241
Father Most Holy Is 6:2-3 436 240 504 191 175 169
Father of Glory to Thy Name Ps 135:1 248
Father of Heaven Whose Love Profound Rev 4:11 242
Father of Mercies in Thy Word Ps 119:127 284 240
Father of Mercies in Your Word Ps 119:127 284 240
Father We Praise You Now the Night is Over Ps 91:1-2 76 875 581 482 267
Father Welcomes Gal 3:26-27 605
Father Who the Light this Day Gen 1:3 14 8
Father, We Praise Thee Ps 5:3 76 875 581 482 267
Father, We Thank Thee John 6:22-58 652 898 704
Feed Thy Children, God Most Holy Ps 145:15-17 599 659 774 616 468
Feed Your Children God Most Holy Ps 145:15-17 599 659 774 616 468
First Song of Isaiah Is 12:1-6 927
Fling Wide the Door Unbar the Gate Ps 24 91 73 340 3 24 32
Flung to the Heedless Winds Acts 7:59 556 259
For All the Faithful Women Various scripture 855 880 692
For All the Saints Heb 12:1-3 554 463 677 551 191 174
For All Thy Saints O Lord Rev 7:15 468 555 195 176
For All Your Saints O Lord Rev 7:15 468 555 195 176
For Jerusalem You're Weeping Luke 19:41 419 390
For Many Years O God of Grace Ps 84:1 639 622 325
For Me to Live Is Jesus Phil 1:20-23 473 597 742 606 267
For the Fruit of All Creation Mark 4:26-27 894 611 563 905
For the Fruit of His Creation Mark 4:26-27 894 611 563 905
For the Fruits of His Creation Mark 4:26-27 894 611 563 905
For Thee O Dear Dear Country Heb 11:16 534 614
For Thy Mercy and Thy Grace Ps 59:16 121
Forgive Us, Lord, for Shallow Thankfulness Phil 1:9-11 788 482 401
Forth in Your Name O Lord I Go Col 3:17 506 854 456 380 505
Founded on Thee Our Only Lord Matt 16:18 637
From All that Dwell Below the Skies Ps 117 16 15 816 250 440 550
From All Thy Saints in Warfare per apostle 558 517 193 177
From All Thy Saints in Warfare per apostle 558 517 194 178
From Calvary's Cross I Heard Christ Say Heb 5:7 337 177 108
From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee Ps 130 452 329 607 305 230 295
From Depths of Woe I Cry to You Ps 130 452 329 607 305 230 295
From East to West From Shore to Shore Luke 2:7-11 267 385 43 64
From Eternity O God Acts 8:15 220 411 461
From God can Nothing Move Me Rom 8:38-39 465 393 713 418 409 468
From God Shall Naught Divide Me Josh 24:16 465 393 713 418 409 468
From God the Father, Virgin-Born John 1:14 401 74 83
From Greenland's Icy Mountains Acts 16:9 495 571 322
From Heaven Above to Earth I Come Luke 2:10-20 123 85 358 38 37 51
From Heaven Above to Earth I Come Luke 2:10-20 124 85 358 38 37 51
From Heaven Came the Angels Bright Luke 2:10, 11 154 103 53 52
From Shepherding of Stars that Gaze Luke 2:9-12 71 63
Fruitful Trees, the Spirit's Sowing John 15:1-9 691 875
Gentle Mary Laid Her Child Luke 2:1-20 374 56 57
Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken Is 33:20, 21 214 469 648 294 358
Glorious Things of You are Spoken Ps 87 214 469 648 294 358
Glory Be to God the Father Rev 15:3-4 410 244 506 239 173 167
Glory to God, We Give You Thanks and Praise Luke 2:14 946 0 787
Go Tell it on the Mountain Luke 2:7-20 388 57 504 70
Go to Dark Gethsemane Mark 14:32-38 284 159 436 104 110 109
Go, My Children, with My Blessing Titus 3:4-7 922 332 887 721
God Bless Our Native Land Rom 13:1-7 602 577 965 619 497 569
God has Spoken by His Prophets Heb 1:1-3 583 281 343 238
God Himself is Present Ex 15:11-13 4 907 224 206 249
God Lord of Sabaoth Thou Who Ordainest Ps 122:6 582
God Loved the World So that He Gave John 3:16 403 245 571 391 352 292
God Moves in a Mysterious Way Rom 11:33 434 514 765 420 426 483
God of Grace and God of Glory Ps 80:14-19 850 523 398 415
God of Mercy God of Grace Ps 67 582 20 249
God of My Life to Thee I Call Ps 46 534
God of Our Fathers Whose Almighty Hand Ps 44:1-8 501 567
God the Father Be Our Stay Ps 18:18 18 247 505 192 170 308
God the Father Son and Spirit Is 54:2, 3 640 623
God Who Madest Earth and Heaven Ps 7:17 77 549 877 590 492 266
God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven Ps 121 77 549 877 590 492 281
God, Whose Almighty Word Gen 1:3-5 202 508 979 317 400
God's Own Child, I Gladly Say It Romans 6:1-10 594 844
God's Own Son Most Holy Luke 4:18 141 74 333 17 30 312
God's Word Is Our Great Heritage Ps 119:105, 111 583 283 582 293 333 239
Good Christian Friends Rejoice Luke 2:1-14 135 92 386 34 47 55
Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing Ps 118:24 475 129 144
Grace Has a Thrilling Sound Eph 2:5 374 381
Grace 'Tis a Charming Sound Eph 2:5 374 381
Gracious God, Again is Ended Ps 121:1 560
Gracious God, You Send Great Blessings Lam 3:22-23 782
Gracious Savior Gentle Shepherd Mark 10:14 367 627 508 475
Gracious Savior, Grant Your Blessing Eph 5:22-33 860
Grant Holy Ghost that We Behold Ps 19:7 25 293 693 185 336
Grant Lord Jesus that My Healing Is 53:4-5 421 95
Great God We Sing That Mighty Hand Ps 92:1 119
Great Is the Lord Our God Ps 48:1-8 636
Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lam 3:22-24 809 899 771
Great King of Nations Hear Our Prayer Ps 65:2 583
Greet Now the Swiftly Changing Year Ps 65:11 896 183 181 837
Greet the Rising Sun Ps 4:1-3 871 902
Guide Me Ever Great Redeemer Ex 13:21 262 54 918 331 220 343
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah Ex 13:21 262 54 918 331 220 343
Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer Ex 15:13 262 54 918 331 220 343
Hail O Once Despised Jesus Rev 4:11 270 367 531 351 284
Hail O Once Rejected Jesus Rev 4:11 270 367 531 351 284
Hail the Day So Rich in Grace Is 9:6 131 78
Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise Acts 1:9 388 213 175
Hail Thee Festival Day Acts 1:9 148
Hail Thee Festival Day Acts 1:9-11 159
Hail Thee, Festival Day Ps 118:13-24 398 489 179 125 142
Hail Thou Source of Every Blessing Matt 2:11 129 409 87 84
Hail to the Lord's Anointed Ps 72:1-17 103 59 398 93 82 87
Hail, O Source of Every Blessing Is 60:3-6 129 409 87 84
Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus Is 53 270 367 531 351 284
Hallelujah Jesus Lives John 20:15 188 147
Hallelujah Let Praises Ring Rev 19:1 822 437
Hark the Church Proclaims Her Honor Eph 1:4 461 530
Hark the Glad Sound The Savior Comes Luke 4:18 109 66 349 12 29 35
Hark the Sound of Holy Voices Rev 7:9, 10 471
Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling Is 6:8 191 496 827 573 318 381
Hark the Voice of Jesus Crying Is 6:8 191 496 826 573 318 381
Hark What Mean Those Holy Voices Luke 2:14 83
Hark! A Thrilling Voice is Sounding Luke 1:76-79 96 60 345 15 18 37
Hark! Ten Thousand Harps and Voices Heb 1:6 221
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Luke 2:13-14 125 94 380 61 49 60
Have No Fear, Little Flock Luke 12:32 735 442 410 476
He that Believes and is Baptized Mark 16:16 241 301 601 299 225 194
He Whom Shepherds Once Came Praising Luke 2:7-20 54 68
Hear Us, Father, When We Pray Matt 6:9-13 773
Heavenly Hosts in Ceaseless Worship Rev 4:1-11 949
Help Us O Lord Behold We Enter Heb 13:8 120 70
Help Us O Lord for Now We Enter Heb 13:8 120 70
Herald, Sound the Note of Judgment Matt 3:1-12 511 556
Here is the Tenfold Sure Command Ex 20:1-17 490 287 285 331
Here O Lord I See You Face to Face Matt 26:26-28 631 315 243 211
Here O My Lord I See You Face to Face Matt 26:26-28 631 315 243 211
Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face To Face John 6:35, 51, 58 631 315 243 211
Holy Father in Thy Mercy Gen 31:49 576 643 504 469
Holy Father in Your Mercy Gen 31:49 576 643 504 469
Holy God We Praise Your Name Luke 2:14 43 250 940 195 171 535
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name Rev 7:9-14 43 250 940 278 171 535
Holy Spirit God of Love John 15:26 230 180
Holy Spirit Light Divine John 16:13 234 496 183 166 257
Holy Spirit, the Dove Sent from Heaven Matt 3:16-17 502
Holy, Holy, Holy Is 6:2-3 15 246 507 168 165
Hosanna Now Through Advent Mark 13:26-27 16
Hosanna to the Coming Lord Matt 21:9 70 21 258
Hosanna to the Living Lord Matt 21:9 70 21 258
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Matt 21:15 279 161 443 130 106
How Beauteous Are Their Feet Is 52:7 192 487
How Blessed is this Place O Lord Gen 28:16-18 327 186
How Blest Are They Who Hear God's Word Is 61:3 586 48 325 222 227
How Can I Thank Thee Lord Ps 50:14 423 417 703 460 385
How Can I Thank You, Lord Col 1:12-14 423 417 703 460 385
How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord Luke 5:1-11 853 879
How Firm a Foundation O Saints of the Lord Is 28:16; 41:10; 43:1-7 521 427 728 416 411 507
How Firm a Foundation Ye Saints of the Lord Is 28:16; 41:10; 43:1-7 521 427 728 416 411 507
How Good Lord to be Here Matt 17:1-8 135 414 95 89 89
How Great Thou Art Rev 15:3b-4 801 256 519 532
How Lovely Shines the Morning Star Rev 22:16 167 343 395 76
How Lovely Shines the Morning Star Lam 3:22, 23 167 546 79
How Majestic Is Your Name Ps 8:1, 9 978
How Precious Is the Book Divine Ps 119:105 232 285 284 332
How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts Ps 119:9 176 286 509 474
How Shall They Hear the Word of God Romans 10:14-15 831 868
How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds Song Solomon 1:3 155 364 524 358 279 345
How Wide the Love of Christ Eph 3:17b-18 535
I Am Content My Jesus Lives Againl John 11:25-26 196 468 158 145
I Am Content My Jesus Liveth Still John 11:25-26 196 468 158 145
I am Content! My Jesus Ever Lives John 11:25-26 196 468 158 145
I Am Jesus' Little Lamb John 21:15 177 648 740 432 517
I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve Luke 2:4-7 127 51 56 69
I am so Glad When Christmas Comes Luke 2:4-7 127 51 56 69
I Am Trusting Thee Lord Jesus Is 12:2 206 428 729 446 408 460
I Am Trusting You Lord Jesus Acts 2:38 206 428 729 446 408 460
I Come to Thee O Blessed Lord John 6:37 495 330
I do Not Come Because My Soul Rom 7:19-25 379
I Fall Asleep in Jesus' Wounds Luke 2:29 530 585 608
I Gave My Life for Thee Phil 1:27 405 454
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say John 6:35 277 699 338 348 497
I Know of a Sleep in Jesus' Name Rev 14:13 525 592 211 342
I Know that My Redeemer Lives Job 19:25-27 351 200 461 152 264 352
I Leave All Things to God's Direction Rom 8:28 529 719 414 429
I Lie, O Lord, within Your Care Ps 121 885
I Love as You Have Promised Lord Luke 2:29-32 48 137 938 269 185 349
I Love Thy Kingdom Lord Ps 137 462 651 533 296 368
I Love Your Kingdom, Lord Ps 26:8 462 651 533 296 368
I Trust, O Christ, in You Alone Acts 4:12 415 319 972 437 357 395
I Trust, O Lord, Your Holy Name Ps 31:1-5 524 734 448 406
I Will Greatly Rejoice in the Lord Is 61:10-11 929
I Will Sing My Father's Praises Eph 5:19,20 448 25 977 253 439
I Will Sing My Maker's Praises Ps 103 448 25 977 253 439
I Would Not Live Alway I Ask Not to Stay Job 7:16 588
If God Had Not Been on Our Side Ps 124 396 267 202
If God Himself Be For Me Rom 8:31-39 517 528 724 419 407 454
If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee Ps 55:22 205 518 750 444 420 453
If Thou But Trust in God to Guide Thee Ps 55:22 205 518 750 444 420 453
If Thy Beloved Son O God Gal 2:16 374 375 393
If You but Trust in God to Guide You Ps 55:22 205 518 750 444 420 453
If Your Beloved Son, O God Gal 2:16 374 375 568 393
I'm But a Stranger Here Heb 11:13-16 474 660 748 417 515
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise Ps 104:1-5, 31-35 802 240 451 526
In Adam We Have All Been One Rom 5:14, 17-19 431 569 396 292 372
In All Our Grief Eph 4:25-32 847
In Christ There is No East or West Gal 3:26-29 653 539 359
In God, My Faithful God Ps 25 467 526 745 438 421
In His Temple Now Behold Him Luke 2:22-38 139 519 77 186 184
In Holy Conversation Ps 50:15 772
In Hope My Soul Redeemed to Bliss Unending Rom 5:5 432
In House and Home Where Man and Wife Ps 128 189 624
In Loud Exalted Strains Gen 28:17 638
In One True God We All Believe Apostle's Creed 253
In Peace and Joy I Now Depart Luke 2:29-32 48 137 938 269 185 349
In Silent Pain the Eternal Son Matt 10:34-39 432 824
In the Cross of Christ I Glory Gal 6:14 523 354 427 345 101 104
In the Hour of Trial Luke 22:31, 32 516 116 511 106
In the Resurrection Job 19, 25-27 603
In the Shattered Bliss of Eden Gen 3:1-24 572
In the Very Midst of Life Rom 14:7-8 527 590 755 534 265 350
In Thee Alone O Christ My Lord Rom 3:25 415 319 972 437 357 395
In Thee is Gladness John 16:20-22 149 818 346 442 552
In Thee Lord have I Put My Trust Ps 31:1-5 524 524 734 448 406
In You Lord I have Put My Trust Ps 31:1-5 524 524 734 448 406
In You O Lord I Put My Trust Ps 31:1-5 524 524 734 448 406
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Luke 2:1-20 393 44 812
Isaiah in a Vision Did of Old Is 6:1-4 40 249 960 267 214 528
Isaiah Mighty Seer in Spirit Soared Is 6:1-4 40 249 960 267 214 528
Isaiah, Mighty Seer in Days of Old Is 6:1-4 40 249 960 267 214 528
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear Luke 2:13-14 366 62 54
It Is Not Death to Die John 11:26 602
Jehovah, Let Me Now Adore Thee John 16:23 21 189 446
Jehovah, Let Me Now Adore You John 16:23 21 189 446
Jerusalem the Golden Rev 21:18-23 534 613 672 214 309 347
Jerusalem Thou City Fair and High Matt 17:1-9 541 619 674 212 306 348
Jerusalem Whose Towers Touch the Skies Matt 17:1-9 541 619 674 212 306 348
Jerusalem, My Happy Home Ps 137:1-6 539 618 673 215 307 331
Jerusalem, O City Fair and High Rev. 21:2-3 541 619 674 212 306 348
Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love John 13:14 980 765
Jesus All Our Ransom Paid John 19:30 185
Jesus All Thy Labor Vast Luke 23:46 186
Jesus and Shall It Ever Be Mark 8:38 471 346 347
Jesus Brightness of the Father Ps 91:11 547 257
Jesus Calls Us o'er the Tumult John 1:40 270 463 494
Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring Zech 9:9 89 56 353 26
Jesus Christ is Risen Today Luke 24:6-7 352 199 457 157 127 151
Jesus Christ My Pride and Glory Luke 2:41-52 408 464
Jesus Christ Our Blessed Savior Heb 10:12 317 311 627 237
Jesus Christ Our Lord Most Holy Matt 27:50-53 285 169
Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior Rom 5:9-10 316 311 627 313 236
Jesus Comes Today with Healing Matt 26:26-29 620
Jesus Has Come and Brings Pleasures Luke 2:68-79 533 78
Jesus I Live to Thee Rom 14:8 591
Jesus I My Cross have Taken Luke 18:28 424 423 465
Jesus I Will Never Leave Luke 9:57 362 365
Jesus in Thy Dying Woes Luke 23:34 180 447 139 112 113
Jesus in Thy Thirst and Pain John 19:28 184
Jesus Jesus Only Jesus Eph 3:19 379 348 348
Jesus Lead Us On Luke 5:11 587 410 718 422 386 341
Jesus Lives! The Victory's Won Rom 8:11, 35-39 353 201 490 145 139 133
Jesus Lover of My Soul Is 32:2 209 345 357 508
Jesus Loves Me Matt 19:14 179 588
Jesus My Great High Priest Heb 9:11, 12 289 220 359
Jesus My Truth My Way John 14:6 433
Jesus O how Could It be True Mark 8:38 393
Jesus on the Mountain Peak Matt 17:1-8 415 818 653
Jesus Pitying the Sighs Luke 23:43 181
Jesus Sat With His Disciples Matt 5:1-12 932 912
Jesus Savior Come to Me Is 26:9 356
Jesus Shall Reign Ps 72:5-11 193 511 832 84 312 530
Jesus Shepherd in Your Arms Matt 18:2 595 269
Jesus Sinners Does Receive Luke 15:2-4 426 324 609 304 229 291
Jesus Sinners Doth Receive Luke 15:2-4 426 324 609 304 229 291
Jesus Sinners Will Receive Luke 15:2-4 426 324 609 304 229 291
Jesus Still Lead On Luke 5:11 587 410 718 422 386 341
Jesus the Very Thought of Thee Song Solomon 1:3 315 350 316
Jesus the Very Thought of You Song Solomon 1:3 315 350 316
Jesus Thou Art Mine Forever Ps 78:24 357
Jesus Thy Church with Longing Eyes Rev 1:7 64
Jesus Whelmed in Fears Unknown Matt 27:46 183
Jesus Your Boundless Love so True John 14:15 372 349 683 479 280 336 857
Jesus Your Boundless Love to Me John 14:15 372 349 683 479 280 336 857
Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love Acts 4:12 156 114 900 76 182
Jesus, Grant that Balm and Healing Is 53:4-5 293 144 421 121 95
Jesus, Greatest at the Table John 13:1-17 446
Jesus, I Will Ponder Now Is 53:3-6 287 140 440 98 109 115
Jesus, in Your Dying Woes Luke 23:34 180 447 139 112 113
Jesus, Lead Thou On Luke 12:32 587 410 718 422 386 341
Jesus, Loving to the End John 19:26-27 182
Jesus, Name above All Names Phil 2:8-11 970
Jesus, Once with Sinners Numbered Is 53:12 404
Jesus, Refuge of the Weary Mark 15:29-30 240 145 423 108 90 93
Jesus, Remember Me Luke 23:42 767 827 740
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Matt 8:23-27 649 715 433 513 334
Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness Is 61:10 432 371 563 376 362 302
Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me Eph 3:16-21 372 349 683 479 280 336 857
Join All the Glorious Names Heb 9:11, 12 289 220 359
Joy to the World the Lord is Come Ps 98 138 87 387 62 53 39
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee Ps 5:11 803 551
Jubilate Deo Ps 100 666
Judge Eternal Throned in Splendor Ps 59:16 576 418
Just as I am, Without One Plea John 1:29; 6:37 319 388 570 397 359 296
Kyrie! God, Father in Heaven Above Ps 28:2 34 6 942 266 209 168
Kyrie—I Mark 10:47 943 913
Kyrie—II Ps 51:1 944
Lamb of God John 1:29 550
Lamb of God Pure and Sinless John 1:29 41 146 434 268 208 111
Lamb Of God We Fall before Thee Heb 12:2 358 354
Lamb Of God We Fall before You Heb 12:2 358 354
Lamb of God, Pure and Holy John 1:29 41 146 434 268 208 111
Lamp of Our Feet Whereby We Trace Ps 119:105 291
Lead Me, Guide Me Ps 5:8 721
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Acts 1:10-11 621 361 241 198
Let All Together Praise Our God Luke 2:1-20 148 105 389 41 44 47
Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds Ps 78:5-8 180 629 867 512 472
Let Me Be Thine Forever Ps 119:10 427 334 689 596 257 490
Let Me Be Yours Forever Rom 6:16 427 334 689 596 257 490
Let Our Gladness Banish Sadness Luke 2:1-16 82 371 66
Let Our Gladness Have No End Rom 5:11; 8:32-33 86 381 69 57
Let Songs of Praises Fill the Sky Rom 5:5 232
Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord Acts 3:24-26 165 91 352 28 33
Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful Ps 104:14-15 955 0
Let Thoughtless Thousands Choose the Road Phil 1:21 608 466
Let Us All with Gladsome Voice Luke 2:10-14, 20 134 97 390 64 42
Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus Matt 16:24 236 409 685 452 381 487
Levavi Oculos Ps 121 665
Lift Every Voice and Sing Ex 15:1-21 964 562
Lift High the Cross John 12:32 194 837 579 311 377
Lift Up Your Heads You Mighty Gates Ps 24:7-10 91 73 340 3 24 32
Lift Up Your Heads, O Gates Ps 24:7-10 804
Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates Ps 24:7-10 91 73 340 3 23 32
Lift Up Your Heads, You Everlasting Doors Ps 24:3-10 339
Light of Light, O Sole-Begotten John 1:1-17 914
Like the Golden Sun Ascending Acts 2:32 354 207 548 147
Lo God to Heaven Ascendeth Ps 47:5-7 391 214
Lo How a Rose is Growing Is 11:1-2 121 645 359 47 67 58
Lo Judah's Lion Wins the Strife Rev 5:5 211 146
Lo Many Shall Come from the East and the West Matt 8:11, 12 200 415 510 464 313
Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending Rev 1:7 98 336 29 15 27 802
Lo, How a Rose e're Blooming Is 11:1-2 121 645 359 47 67 58
Long Before the World Is Waking John 21:1-17 485 832
Look from Thy Sphere of Endless Day Is 35 499 402
Look from Your Sphere of Endless Day Is 35 499 402
Look Toward the Mountain of the Lord Ex 19:16 310
Look Toward the Mountain of the Lord Heb 12:18-24 310
Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious Phil 2:9-11 222 495 216 156
Lord as Thou Wilt Deal Thou with Me Ps 40:8 219 406
Lord Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing Num 6:24-26 588 50 924 329 218 259
Lord God to You We All Give Praise Heb 1:14 545 254 522 196 189
Lord God We All to Thee Give Praise Heb 1:14 545 254 522 196 189
Lord God, to Thee We Give All Praise Matt 18:10 545 254 522 196 189
Lord Jesus Christ My Life My Light Luke 23:33 291 148
Lord Jesus Christ My Savior Blest Ps 119:170 258 353 362
Lord Jesus Christ Thou Living Bread John 6:48 322 312 625 248
Lord Jesus Christ Will You not Stay Luke 24:29 511 292 585 541 344
Lord Jesus Christ You Set Us Free Heb 13:15 173 123
Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now Ps 43:3-4 23 3 902 230 201 253
Lord Jesus Christ, Life-Giving Bread John 6:33-35, 48-51 322 312 625 248
Lord Jesus Christ, the Children's Friend Ps 78:1-8 866 513 470
Lord Jesus Christ, the Church's Head Eph 2:19-21 212 477 647 536 293
Lord Jesus Christ, with Us Abide Luke 24:29 511 292 585 541 344
Lord Jesus Thou art Going Forth John 19:16-17 150
Lord Jesus Thou the Church's Head Col 2:10 212 477 647 536 293
Lord Jesus We Give Thanks to Thee Heb 13:15 173 123
Lord Jesus, Think on Me Ps 51:6-12 496 320 610 231 309
Lord Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word John 8:31 589 261 655 203 334 230
Lord Lead the Way the Savior Went Matt 25:40 440
Lord of All Good Rom 12:1 786 483 411 884
Lord of All Hopefulness Ps 55:16-17 59 738 469 886
Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace Phil 1:9 844 521 419
Lord of Glory Who hast Bought Us Acts 20:35 459 442 851 486 402 424
Lord of My Life Whose Tender Care Ps 95:6 24 232
Lord of Our Life Ps 79:9 439 258 659 301 366
Lord of the Church We Humbly Pray Is 6:7 502 489 261
Lord of the Harvest Hear Matt 9:38 488
Lord of the Living Harvest Luke 10:2 492 559 260
Lord of the Worlds Above Ps 84 480
Lord Open Thou My Heart to Hear Ps 119:131-133, 140 24 5 908 282 197
Lord Tis Not that I did Choose You John 15:16 222 37 573 380
Lord to Thee I Make Confession Ps 139:7-10 450 326 608 302 233
Lord to You Immortal Praise Hab 3:17, 18 572 612 496
Lord We Come before Thee Now Ps 27:8 18
Lord We Confess Our Numerous Faults Titus 3:3, 7 382 398
Lord When We Bend before Thy Throne Ps 32:1 22
Lord While for All Mankind We Pray Rom 13:1-7 578 502
Lord While for Humankind We Pray Rom 13:1-7 578 502
Lord Who at Cana's Wedding-Feast John 2:1-11 620 859 252
Lord You I Love with All My Heart Ps 18 406 429 708 434 413 325
Lord, Bid Your Servant Go in Peace Luke 2:29-32 937 911
Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing Num 6:24-26 588 50 924 329 218 259
Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor Rev 1:5-6 534 352 281 172
Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain Ps 119:9-12 551 288 865 514 477
Lord, Help Us Walk Your Servant Way Mark 10:35-45 857
Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care Phil 1:21-26 527 757
Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word Ps 119:5-10 589 261 655 203 334 230
Lord, Open Now My Heart to Hear Ps 119:131-133, 140 24 5 908 282 197
Lord, Support Us All Day Long Ex 13:21 884
Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me John 10:27-28 210 722 439 512 333
Lord, This Day We've Come to Worship Ps 86:12 911
Lord, 'Tis Not that I did Choose Thee John 15:16 222 37 573 380
Lord, to You I Make Confession Ps 51:3-11, 17 450 326 608 302 233
Lord, When You Came as Welcome Guest John 2:1-11 620 859 252
Lord, Whose Love through Humble Service Matt 25:44-40 848 423 882
Love Came Down at Christmas John 1:1-5 46
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Ps 85:7-8 407 351 700 365 286 315
Love in Christ is Strong and Living Col 3:12-14 706 490 376
Magnificat Luke 1:46 803
Mark How the Lamb of God's Self-Offering Matt 3:13-16 600
May God Bestow on Us His Grace Ps 67:1-2 591 500 823 574 288 335
May God Embrace Us with His Grace Ps 67:1-2 591 500 823 574 288 335
May We Thy Precepts Lord Fulfill Matt 6:10 412 698 458 389 353
May We Your Precepts Lord Fulfill Matt 6:10 412 698 458 389 353
Morning Breaks upon the Tomb Luke 24:3 203 159
My Faith Looks Trustingly Eph 3:12 184 394 702 402 378 479
My Faith Looks Up to Thee John 1:29, 36 184 394 702 402 378 479
My God Accept My Heart This Day Ps 119:10 512 336
My God My Father Make Me Strong Ps 143:8 424 468
My God My Father While I Stray Matt 26:42 418
My God Will Never Leave Me Josh 24:16 465 393 713 418 409 468
My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Acts 4:11-12 197 370 575 382 368 293
My Inmost Heart Now Raises Ps 118:1 79 548
My Jesus as Thou Wilt Mark 14:36 420
My Lord, What a Morning Rev 8:12 968 627
My Maker Be Thou Nigh Ps 119:8 513 335 598 255
My Maker Be With Me Ps 119:8 513 335 598 255
My Maker Now be Nigh Ps 119:8 513 335 598 255
My Savior Sinners Doth Receive Luke 15:2 386
My Song is Love Unknown Is 52:13—53:3 303 430 110 91 94 661
My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord Luke 1:46-55 47 275 934 274 211 180
My Soul Now Bless Thy Maker Ps 103 456 34 820 257 453 519
My Soul Now Bless Your Maker Ps 103 456 34 820 257 453 519
My Soul Now Magnifies the Lord Luke 1:46-55 47 275 934 274 211 180
My Soul Rejoices Luke 1:46-55 933 0
My Soul, Now Praise Your Maker Ps 103 456 34 820 257 453 519
My Soul's Best Friend What Joy and Blessing Song Solomon 5:16 362
My Spirit on Thy Care Ps 31 435
Nearer My God to Thee Gen 28:10-19 533 514
New Songs of Celebration Render Ps 98 792 897
No Saint on Earth Lives Life to Self Alone Rom 8:38-39 747
No Temple Now, No Gift of Price Heb 9:11-28 530 861
No Tramp of Soldiers' Marching Feet Luke 19:36-40 444 826
Not All the Blood of Beasts Heb 10:1-4 305 156 431 128 99
Not Unto Us Ps 115:1 558 392 874
Not What These Hands have Done Eph 2:8-9 433 389 567
Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds Rev 5:13; 7:11-12 465 131 143
Now Are the Days Fulfilled Gal 4:4 164 99
Now Greet the Swiftly Changing Year Ps 65:11 896 183 181 837
Now Hail the Day So Rich in Cheer Is 9:6 131 78
Now Is Eternal Life Col 3:1-4 834
Now Let Us Come Before Him Ps 91:1 122 74 184
Now May He Who from the Dead Heb 13:20, 21 19 51
Now Praise We Christ the Holy One Phil 2:6, 7 267 104 39
Now Rest Beneath Night's Shadow Ps 4:8; 91:4 569 554 880 587 485 282
Now Sing We, Now Rejoice Luke 2:1-14 135 92 386 34 47 55
Now Thank We All Our God Ps 107:21-22 63 36 895 610 443 533
Now Thank We All Our God Ecclus 50:22-24 63 36 895 610 443 534
Now that the Day hath Reached Its Close Ps 139:12 561
Now that the Daylight Fills the Sky Ps 143:8-12 870 583 268 901
Now the Day Is Over Prov 3:24 560 654 589 491 280
Now the Hour of Worship O'er Ps 121:8 45 330
Now the Light has Gone Away Ps 4:8 570 653 887 593 503
Now the Shades of Night are Gone Ps 121 538
Now the Silence Rev 19:7-9 910 231 205 848
O Bless the Lord, My Soul Ps 103 60 27 814 238 457
O Blessed Day When First was Poured Gal 4:4-5 157 115
O Blessed Home Where Man and Wife Ps 128 189 624
O Blessed Spring John 15:1-5 595 695
O Blessed, Holy Trinity Ps 59:16-17 80 541 876 584 479
O Blest the House Whate'er Befall Luke 2:41-52 190 625 862 506 467 512
O Bride of Christ, Rejoice Matt 21:1-16 104 57 335 134 20
O Chief of Cities Bethlehem Matt 2:1-2, 10-11 76 81
O Christ Our Light O Radiance True Luke 1:79 198 512 839 569 314 380
O Christ You Are the Light and Day John 8:12 571 559 882 273
O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart's Desire Col 1:5, 20, 23, 27 397 553 151 300
O Christ, Our True and Only Light Is 60:1-3 198 512 839 569 314 380
O Christ, Thou Lamb of God John 1:29 147 103
O Christ, Who Art the Light and Day John 8:12 571 559 882 273
O Christ, Who Called the Twelve Matt 10:1-42 856
O Christ, Who Shared Our Mortal Life Healing scriptures 552
O Christ, You Walked the Road Matt 4:1-11 424
O Come, All Ye Faithful Luke 2:15 133 102 379 55 41 45
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Is 7:10-14 110 62 357 23 31 34
O Darkest Woe Matt 27:57-60 332 167 448 137 122
O Day Full of Grace Acts 2:1-4 401 503 163 161
O Day of Rest and Gladness Heb 4:1 485 9 906 203 251
O Dearest Jesus, What Law Hast Thou Broken Luke 23:20-24 292 143 439 117 119 123
O Enter Lord Thy Temple Acts 2:17 400 228
O Faithful God Thanks Be to Thee Ps 6:1 522 321
O Father, All Creating Matt 19:4-6 621 858 251
O for a Faith that Will Not Shrink Luke 17:5 364 396 405
O Fount of Good for All Your Love Ps 116:12 524 395
O Gladsome Light, O Grace John 1:9 572 101 888 486
O God Be with Us Ps 121:3 556
O God From God O God From Light Ps 43:3 170 132 810 85 83 536
O God of God, O Light of Light Rev 5:12-13 170 132 810 85 83 536
O God of Jacob by Whose Hand Gen 28:20-22 434 477
O God of Light Ps 119:105 836 237 869
O God of Love, O King of Peace Ps 46:9 751 519 498 414
O God of Mercy God of Light Luke 10:36, 37 170 439 852 499 397 425
O God of Mercy, God of Might Luke 10:36, 37 458 439 852 499 397 425
O God Our Help in Ages Past Ps 90 160 123 733 441 180 320
O God Our Lord Thy Holy Word Rev 14:6, 7 549 266 204 341
O God Our Lord Your Holy Word Rev 14:6, 7 549 266 204 341
O God Whose Will is Life and Good Ps 146:8 396
O God, Forsake Me Not Ps 38:21-22 402 731 424 372
O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth John 1:1-7 443 834 400 319 396
O Gracious Lord, I Firmly Am Believing Matt 22:1-14 635
O Gracious Lord, With Love Draw Near Matt 28:19 599
O Happy Home Where Thou art Loved Most Dearly Gen 18:19 626
O Holy Blessed Trinity Ps 5:3 80 541 876 584 479
O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace Rom 5:1-5 25 293 693 185 336
O How Blest Are Ye Whose Toils Are Ended Rev 14:13 526 589 679 554 268
O Jesus Christ Your Manger Is Luke 2:7 161 81 372 40
O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is Luke 2:7 161 81 372 40 814
O Jesus Christ, true Lamb of God John 1:29 0
O Jesus King of Glory Matt 2:1-12 130 94 79
O Jesus Lamb of God Thou Art John 1:29 271 328 27
O Jesus Lamb of God You Are John 1:29 271 328 27
O Jesus So Sweet, O Jesus So Mild Gal 4:4-5 546 366 858
O Jesus, King Most Wonderful Luke 19:38 278 361 554 373 274 537
O Kingly Love that Faithfully Matt 22:1-14 335 346
O Light of Gentile Nations Luke 2:32 151 138 78
O Light Whose Splendor Rev 21:22-27 891 0 728
O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe Luke 12:32 375 263 666 300 361
O Little Town of Bethlehem Luke 2:1-15 137 647 361 65 60 41
O Little Town of Bethlehem Micah 5:2 361 66 59
O Lord How Shall I Meet Thee Matt 21:1-9 58 334 18 19 23
O Lord How Shall I Meet You Matt 21:1-9 58 334 18 19 23
O Lord I Sing with Lips and Heart Ps 92:1 569 737
O Lord in Prayer You Spent the Night Luke 6:12ff 505 493 548
O Lord Look Down from Heaven Behold Ps 12 440 260 205
O Lord My God I Cry to Thee Ps 116:9 573 600
O Lord Now Let Your Servant Luke 2:29-32 339 0
O Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea Matt 10:8 443 834 487 319
O Lord of Hosts, Whose Glory Fills Is 60:13 633
O Lord of Light Who Made the Stars Ps 30:10-12 351 31 17 323
O Lord Our Father shall We be Confounded Ps 22:5 213 269
O Lord Our Father Thanks and Praise Ps 107:1 124 72
O Lord Our Father Thanks to Thee Ps 107:1 124 72
O Lord We Praise Thee Bless Thee and Adore Thee Ps 118:1 327 313 617 317 238 215
O Lord We Praise You Bless You and Adore You Ps 118:1 327 313 617 317 238 215
O Lord We Welcome Thee Is 9:6 93
O Lord Whose Bounteous Hand Again Ps 65:9 567
O Lord, Hear My Prayer Ps 31:12 780 891 772
O Lord, Throughout These Forty Days Luke 4:1-13 418 92 99
O Love, How Deep Eph 3:17b-21 281 544 371 275 88
O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright Rev 22:16 343 395 73 76
O People Rise and Labor Luke 3:4, 5 75 354 14 25
O Perfect Life of Love John 19:30 170 452 138
O Perfect Love Ruth 1:17 623 600 253 287
O Perfect Love All Human Thought Transcending Ruth 1:17 623 600 253 287
O Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly Luke 2:10-14 163 96 897 45 40
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Ps 22:6-8 335 172 449 105 113 117
O Sacred, Head Now Wounded Ps 22:6-8 334 172 449 105 113 116
O Savior of Our Fallen Race John 1:1-5, 14 403 45 49
O Savior, Rend the Heavens Wide Is 64:1 97 355 22 32 38
O Sing Jubilee to the Lord Every Land Ps 100 56 44 252 205 256
O Sing of Christ John 1:1, 4, 10-14 362
O Sing to the Lord Ps 98 808 252 900 795
O Sing with Exultation Ps 118:15, 16 365 217
O Son of God, in Galilee Mark 7:32-37 841 400 426
O Sons and Daughters of the King Mark 16:5-7 366 208 470 165 130 139
O Spirit of the Living God Acts 2:3 504 388
O Splendor of the Father's Light John 8:12 81 550 874 586 481 271
O That I Had a Thousand Voices Ps 148:1 443 811 242 448 560
O That I Had a Thousand Voices Ps 148:1 243 194
O That the Lord Would Guide My Ways Ps 119:5, 33 441 416 707 462 392 480
O Thou from Whom All Goodness Flows Neh 13:31 515
O Thou Love Unbounded John 16:27 42
O Thou that Hear'st when Sinners Cry Ps 51 500 325
O Thou Who Once in Galilee Mark 7:32-37 841 400 426
O Trinity Most Blessed Light Ps 16:9 574 564 890 591 487 275
O Trinity O Blessed Light Ps 16:9 574 564 890 591 487 275
O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair Luke 9:28-36 223 413 96 87 80
O Word of God Incarnate John 1:14 171 294 523 279 335 231
O Worship the King Ps 104 17 804 243 458 548
O'er Jerusalem Thou Weepest Luke 19:41 419 390
O'er the Distant Mountains Breaking Matt 24:42 606 220
O'er the Gloomy Hills of Darkness Rev 14:6 505
Oh Bless the Lord My Soul Ps 108:1-7 60 27 814 238 457
Oh Blessed Home Where Man and Wife Ps 128 503 466
Oh Come All Ye Faithful Luke 2:15 133 102 379 55 41 45
Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel Is 59:20 110 62 357 23 31 34
Oh Darkest Woe Acts 3:15 332 167 448 137 122
Oh Enter Lord Thy Temple Acts 2:17 400 228
Oh for a Faith that Will Not Shrink Luke 17:5 364 396 405
Oh How Blest Are Ye Whose Toils Are Ended Rev 14:13 526 589 679 554 268
Oh How Blest Are You Whose Toils Are Ended Rev 14:13 526 589 679 554 268
Oh Love How Deep How Broad How High Eph 3:17b-21 281 544 371 275 88
Oh Sing to the Lord Ps 100 56 44 252 205 256
Oh Sing with Exultation Ps 118:15, 16 365 217
Oh That I Had a Thousand Voices Ps 148:1 443 811 242 448 560
Oh That I Had a Thousand Voices Ps 148:1 243 194
Oh Wondrous Type Oh Vision Fair Matt 2:1-11 223 413 96 87 80
Oh Worship the King Ps 104 17 804 243 458 548
Oh, Blest the House Joshua 24:15b 190 625 862 506 467 512
Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing Ps 96:1-3 360 528 340 276 559
Oh, How Blest Are They Rev 14:13 526 589 679 554 268
Oh, How Great Is Your Compassion Titus 3:4-7 460 384 559 364
Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways Ps 119:5, 33,133, 176 441 416 707 462 392 480
Oh, That You Would Rend the Heavens Is 64:1-9 984
Oh, What Their Joy Rev 7:10-17 675 337 838
On Christmas Night All Christians Sing Luke 2:10-14, 20 377 52 65
On Christ's Ascension I Now Build John 14:3 392 216 492 173 150
On Eagles' Wings Ps 91:1-12 727 440 779
On Galilee's High Mountain Matt 28:16-20 195 835 557 320
On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry Matt 3:1-6 106 63 344 16 14 36
On Jordan's Bank the Herald's Cry Matt 3:1-6 106 63 344 16 14 36
On My Heart Imprint Thine Image Luke 23:38 593 179 422 319 100 102
On My Heart Imprint Thine Image - Choir Luke 23:38 598
On My Heart Imprint Your Image Rom 8:29 593 179 422 319 100 102
On This Day Earth Shall Ring Luke 2:1-20 809
On What has Now Been Sown Mark 4:26-29 594 46 921 322 217 261
Once Again My Heart Rejoices Luke 2:11 115 77 360 37 39 46
Once He Came in Blessing Luke 4:17-19 141 74 333 17 30 312
Once In Royal David's City Luke 2:4-7 139 376 50 58 643
Once in the Blest Baptismal Waters Gal 3:26-27 598 598 210
One Thing Needful Luke 10:42 182 366 536 290 277
One Thing's Needful Lord This Treasure Luke 10:42 182 366 536 290 277
One Thy Light, the Temple Filling Is 6:8 641
Onward, Christian Soldiers Matt 16:18 658 662 537 518 509
Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty Ps 100:4 29 1 901 255 198 250
Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty Ps 100:4 30 901
Our Blessed Savior Seven Times Spoke Heb 5:7 337 177 108
Our Children Jesus Calls Mark 10:14 302 296 228
Our Father Thou in Heaven Above Matt 6:9-13 383 458 766 410 431
Our Father Who Are in Heaven—I Matt 6:9-13 957
Our Father Who Are in Heaven—IIa Matt 6:9-13 958
Our Father Who Are in Heaven—IIb Matt 6:9-13 959
Our Father, By Whose Name Joshua 24:15 187 863 501 465 357
Our Father, Who From Heaven Above Matt 6:9-13 383 458 766 410 430
Our Father, Who From Heaven Above Matt 6:9-13 383 458 766 410 431
Our Fathers' God in Years Long Gone Ps 44 535 326
Our God Our Help in Ages Past Ps 90 160 123 733 441 180 320
Our Heavenly Father Hear Luke 2-4 455
Our Lord and God O Bless This Day Is 54:10 514 337 599
Our Lord and God Oh Bless This Day Is 54:10 514 337 599
Out of the Deep I Call Ps 130 453 327
Out of the Depths I Cry to You Ps 130 452 329 607 305 230 295
Pour Out Thy Spirit from on High Ps 132:9 490
Praise and Thanks and Adoration Ps 106:1 596 401 692 470 387 470
Praise and Thanksgiving Eph 5:19-20 789 403 409
Praise Be to Christ Col 1:15-20 538
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Ps 150 805 529
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Ps 150 592 644 805 334 461 564
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Ps 150 592 644 805 334 461 565
Praise God the Lord Ye Sons of Men Luke 2:1-14 148 105 389 41 44 47
Praise Oh Praise Our God and King Ps 136 570
Praise the Almighty Ps 146 497 26 797 235 445 539
Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness Luke 4:16-21 849 353 881
Praise to God Immortal Praise Hab 3:17, 18 572 612 496
Praise to Thee and Adoration Ps 106:1 596 401 692 470 387 470
Praise We the Lord This Day Matt 1:23 274
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven Ps 103 67 793 549 893
Prayer Is the Soul's Sincere Desire Luke 11:1 387 454
Preach You the Word Luke 8:4-15 586 544 259
Precious Lord, Take My Hand Is 42:6 739 451 337 731
Prepare the Royal Highway Is 40:3-5 343 27 26
Prepare the Way Luke 3:4, 5 807
Preserve Thy Word O Savior Jude 20, 21 533 264 658 289 337
Redeemed, Restored, Forgiven Luke 15:24 32 388
Rejoice the Lord is King Rev 19:6 376 179 171
Rejoice, My Heart, Be Glad and Sing Ps 28:7 535 737 443 424
Rejoice, O Pilgrim Throng Ps 20:5; 118:15-26 813 540 455 553
Rejoice, Rejoice This Happy Morn Luke 2:10-14, 20 142 79 391 520 43
Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers Matt 25:1-6 543 72 515 7 25 801
Return O Wanderer Return Luke 15:18 280
Ride On Ride On in Majesty Matt 21:9 441 132 105 121
Ride On, Ride On in Majesty John 12:12-16 280 162 441 133
Rise Again Ye Lion-Hearted Rev 2:10 555 470
Rise Crowned with Light Imperial Salem, Rise Is 60:1ff 503 313
Rise O Light of Gentile Nations Is 60:1 199 498 577
Rise Thou Light of Gentile Nations Is 60:1 199 498 577
Rise Ye Children of Salvation Jude 3 217 472
Rise! To Arms! With Prayer Employ You Eph 6:10-18 518 444 668 455 303
Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray Matt 25:5, 13; 26:41 253 446 663 472 302 443
Rise, Shine, You People Eph 5:14 825 556 393 871
Round Me Falls the Night Ps 141:2 562
Safely Through Another Week Ps 65:4 11
Saints Behold the Sight is Glorious Phil 2:9-11 222 495 216 156
Saints of God, the Dawn is Brightening John 4:35 502 578
Saints, See the Cloud of Witnesses Heb 11:1—12:3 667 840
Salvation Unto Us Has Come Rom 3:10-31 227 377 555 390 355 297
Sanctus Is 6:3 961
Savior Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise Num 6:22-26 597 47 917 321 221 262
Savior Again to Your Dear Name We Raise Ps 110:2 597 47 917 321 221 262
Savior Breathe an Evening Blessing Ps 91:5 565
Savior I Follow On Ex 15:23 422 473
Savior of the Nations, Come John 1:1, 14 90 95 332 2 13 28
Savior Sprinkle Many Nations Is 54:2 510
Savior Thy Dying Love Acts 9:6 403 488 374
Savior When in Dust to Thee Luke 18:13 296 166 419 124 93 91
Savior When in Dust to You Luke 18:13 296 166 419 124 93 91
Savior Who Thy Flock art Feeding John 10:11 631
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Ps 23 711 481
Scatter the Darkness, Break the Gloom Matt 28:5-6 481
See Amid the Winter's Snow Luke 2:1-20 373 58 808
See in Yonder Manger Low Luke 2:1-20 373 58 808
See the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph Ps 68:18 218 494 174
See This Wonder in the Making Matt 3:16-17 593 300 842
See, the Lord Ascends in Triumph Mark 16:19 218 494 174
Seek the Lord Is 55:6-12 983
Seek Where Ye May to Find a Way Acts 4:12 207 383 557 395 358
Seek Where You May to Find a Way John 6:68-69 207 383 557 395 358
Seek Ye First Matt 6:33; 7:7 712 783
Send Now O Lord to Every Place Rom 8:37 506 572 316
Send O Lord Thy Holy Spirit Acts 11:24 507 491 681 545 263
Send Thou O Lord to Every Place Rom 8:37 506 572 316
Send, O Lord, Your Holy Spirit John 20:21-23 507 491 681 545 263
Sent Forth By God's Blessing Luke 8:39 643 318 247 221
Shepherd of Tender Youth Is 40:11 183 628 864 515 471
Silent Night, Holy Night Luke 2:7-16 140 646 363 60 68 65
Since Our Great High Priest, Christ Jesus Heb 1:3; 4:14; 9:24 529
Sing My Tongue How Glorious Battle Ps 98:1-2 298 454 122 117 118
Sing Praise to God, the Highest Good Deut 32:3 19 819 452 542
Sing Praise to the God of Israel Luke 1:68-79 46 936 908
Sing to the Lord of Harvest Ps 65:9-13 464 893 614 493 412
Sing with All the Saints in Glory Rev 7:9-17 671 839 691
Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle Ps 98:1-2 298 454 122 117 118
So Truly As I Live God Saith Ezek 33:11 417 331 614 308 235
Soldiers of Christ Arise Eph 6:10-18 450
Soldiers of the Cross Arise Eph 6:17 520 501
Song from Deuteronomy Deut 32:1-4, 8-12, 36a, 39, 43 926
Song of Habakkuk Hab 3:1-6, 13, 18-19 986
Song of Jonah John 2:2-9 985
Song of Moses and Israel Ex 15:1-6, 11-13, 17-18 925 19
Songs of Praise the Angels Sang Job 38:7 35 222 447
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise Is 61:1-3 172 134 394 82 88 90
Soul Adorn Thyself with Gladness Rev 19:8 328 305 636 311 239 224
Soul What Return Has God Thy Savior Mark 12:17 404
Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness Is 61:10 328 305 636 311 239 224
Splendor and Honor Rev 4:11 950 910
Spread Oh Spread Almighty Word Rom 10:15 201 507 830 576 321 379
Spread Oh Spread the Mighty Word Rom 10:15 201 507 830 576 321 379
Spread Oh Spread Thou Mighty Word Rom 10:15 201 507 830 576 321 379
Spread the Reign of God the Lord Rom 10:15 201 507 830 576 321 379
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus Luke 9:23-26 451 660 474 305 389
Stars of the Morning, So Gloriously Bright Ps 103-20-21 548 255 520 190
Stay with Us Luke 24:13-35 878 743
Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted Is 53:3-6 297 153 451 127 116
Sun of My Soul O Savior Dear Luke 24:29 577 551 488
Sun of My Soul Thou Savior Dear Luke 24:29 577 551 488
Surely It Is God Who Saves Me Is 12:2-6 870
Sweet Flowerets of the Martyr Band Matt 2:13-16 273 969 188
Swell the Anthem Raise the Song Deut 8:10-12 584
Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory Matt 17:2-9 416
Take My Life and Let It Be Eph 6:24 444 400 783 469 404 406
Take My Life O Lord Renew Eph 6:24 444 400 783 469 404 406
Take My Life That I May Be Eph 6:24 444 400 783 469 404 406
Take Up Your Cross the Savior Said Matt 16:24 382 398
Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord Luke 1:46-55 935 909
Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand Rev 7:17 557 476
Tender Shepherd Thou has Stilled Matt 18:2 595 269
That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright Matt 28:1-7 147 154
That Man a Godly Life Might Live Ex 20:1-17 490 287 581 285 331
The Advent of Our God Luke 19:28-40 99 68 331 1 12 22
The Advent of Our King Luke 19:28-40 99 68 331 1 12 22
The Ancient Law Departs Luke 2:21 158 117 898
The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came Luke 1:26-38 356 24 805 632
The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us Matt 25:1-13 100 67 514 10 176
The Church's One Foundation Eph 2:20; 4:4-6 486 473 644 538 289 369
The Day Is Past and Over Ps 13:3 555
The Day is Surely Drawing Near Luke 21:25-36 538 611 508 207 462 321
The Day of Resurrection Ex 12:22, 26-27 356 205 478 166 133 141
The Day Thou Gavest Ps 113:2-4 886 594 274 904
The Day You Gave Us Lord is Ended Rom 13:11-12 886 594 274 904
The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord Matt 26:26-29 329 163 634 135 107
The Gifts Christ Freely Gives Eph 1:3-7 602
The God of Abraham Praise Ex 3:6 69 40 798 450 544
The Gospel Shows the Father's Grace Rom 1:16-17 233 297 580 288 330
The Head that Once was Crowned with Thorns Heb 2:10 393 219 532 217 173
The Infant Priest Was Holy Born Heb 9:11-28 624 853
The King of Love My Shepherd Is Ps 23 370 431 709 375 412 456
The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns Matt 25:31 101 348 25 26 33
The Lamb Rev 5:12-13 547 822
The Law Commands and Makes Us Know Ps 19:9 489 289 286
The Law of God Is Good and Wise Ps 19:7-8 492 295 579 287 329
The Lord is My Light Ps 27 723
The Lord My Pasture Shall Prepare Ps 23 368
The Lord My Shepherd Is Ps 23 426
The Lord, My God, Be Praised Deut 32:3 404 38 794 174
The Lord's My Shepherd I'll Not Want Ps 23 371 436 710 360 416 451
The Lord's My Shepherd Leading Me Ps 23 417
The Man is Ever Blessed Ps 1 414 705 475 388
The Man Is Ever Blest Ps 1 414 705 475 388
The Morning Light is Breaking Matt 28:19, 20 497
The Night Will Soon Be Ending Rom 13:12a 337 806
The Old Year Now Has Passed Away John 15:4 125 71
The Old Year Now Hath Passed Away John 15:4 125 71
The Only Son from Heaven Gal 4:4-5 224 402 86 72 86
The People That in Darkness Sat Is 9:2, 6-7 153 106 412 90 77
The Radiant Sun Shines in the Skies Ps 91: 9-16 78 547
The Royal Banners Forward Go Is 11:10, 12 273 168 455 103 124
The Royal Banners Forward Go Is 11:10, 12 273 168 455 104 125
the Saints in Christ Are One in Every Place Phil 1:1-21 838
The Saints on Earth and Those Above Heb 12:22-24 478
The Savior Calls Let Every Ear Matt 11:28 281 350
The Savior Kindly Calls Mark 10:14 302 296 228
The Son of God Goes Forth to War Rev 19:11-16 559 452 661 304 183
The Star Proclaims the King is Here Matt 2:1-12 173 131 399 91 81
The Sun Arises Now Ps 145:15 83 542
The Sun's Last Beam of Light is Gone Ps 91:11, 12 562 562
The Temple Rang with Golden Coins Mark 12:41-44 787 885
The Ten Commandments Are the Law Ex 20:1-17 490 287 581 285 331
The Tree of Life Gen 3:1-15 302 561 873
The Voice that Breathed o'er Eden Eccl 4:12 622
The Will of God Is Always Best Matt 6:10 477 517 758 435 425
The World Is Very Evil Rev 21:24 534 605 513 463 322
Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior Matt 26:26-28 640 199 849
Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower John 14:23 409 399 694 476 375 502
There Is a Balm in Gilead Jer 8:18—9:2 749 564 889 737
There is a Fountain Filled with Blood Zech 13:1 301 157 112 506
There is a Redeemer John 3:16 971
There is a Time for Everything Eccl 3:1-8 762
There Is an Hour of Peaceful Rest Heb 4:9 617
There Many Shall Come from the East Matt 8:11, 12 200 415 510 464 313
There Stands a Fountain Where for Sin Zech 13:1 301 157 112 506
There Still Is Room Luke 14:22, 23 509 565
These Are the Holy Ten Commands Ex 20:1-17 490 581
These Things Did Thomas Count as Real John 20:19-31 472 831
Thine Forever, God of Love Mal 3:17 515 338 687 426 256
Thine Honor Save, O Christ, Our Lord Ps 118:25 221 265
Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise Matt 26:26-29 680 867 801
This Body in the Grave We Lay John 5:24 596 759
This Child We Dedicate to Thee Luke 18:17 303 227
This ChildWe Now Present to You Luke 18:17 303 227
This Day at Thy Creating Word Gen 1:5 31 12 229
This Day at Your Creating Word Gen 1:5 31 12 229
This Is the Day the Lord Has Made Ps 118:24-26 32 10 903 225 200
This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made Ps 118:24-26 32 10 903 225 200
This is the Spirit's Entry Now Eph 5:25b-27 591 195 841
This Night a Wondrous Revelation Luke 1:78, 79 88
Thou Art the Way to Thee Alone John 14:6 363 355 526 356 283 464
Thou Light of Gentile Nations` Luke 2:32 151 138 78
Thou Who Roll'st the Year Around Ps 90:12 111
Thou Who the Night in Prayer Didst Spend Luke 6:12ff 505 493 548
Thou Whose Almighty Word Gen 1:3 202 508 979 317 400
Thou Whose Almighty Word John 1:1-4 202 508 979 317 400
Though Thoughtless Thousands Choose Phil 1:21 608 466
Throned upon the Awe-full Tree Mark 15:34 174
Through All the Changing Scenes of Life Ps 34 29
Through Jesus' Blood and Merit Rom 8:35-39 414 372 746 445 369
Through the Day Thy Love hath Spared Us Ps 3:5 553
Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow Eph 4:5 481 355
Thy Strong Word Gen 1:3 72 578 280 328 233
Thy Table I Approach Mark 14:22-25 310 628 249
Thy Way Not Mine O Lord Ps 25:5 532
Thy Word is a Lamp Ps 119:105 973
Thy Works, Not Mine, O Christ Titus 3:3-7 380 565 401
'Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here Luke 9:28-36 135 414 95 89 89
To God the Anthem Raising Ps 101:1 112 73
To God the Holy Spirit Let Us Pray John 16:13 33 231 768 190 155 317
To Jordan Came Our Lord the Christ Mark 1:9-11 247 406 88 223 79
To Jordan Came the Christ, Our Lord Mark 1:9-11 247 406 88 223 79
To Jordan's River Came Our Lord Matt 3:13-17 405 89 816
To Our Redeemer's Glorious Name Ps 135:1 363
To Shepherds as They Watched by Night Luke 2:10, 11 154 103 53 52
To the Name of Our Salvation Acts 4:12 159 116
To Thee My Heart I Offer Luke 2:7 89 43
To Thee, O Lord, Our Hearts We Raise Ps 65:12 573
To Thee, Omniscient Lord of All Ps 51:1-11 318 613 234 310
To Thee, Our God, We Fly Ex 34:6, 7 580 620
To Thy Temple I Repair Heb 9:14 2 981 226 207
To You Before the Close of Day Ps 91:1-12 889 489 277
To You Omniscient Lord of All Dan 9:18-19 613 234 310
To Your Temple I Draw Near Heb 9:14 2 981 226 207
To Your Temple, Lord, I Come Heb 9:14 2 981 226 207
Today Thy Mercy Calls Us Rev 3:8 279 915 339 347 304
Today Your Mercy Calls Us Is 1:18 279 915 339 347 304
Triune God Oh Be Our Stay Ps 18:18 18 247 505 192 170 308
Triune God, Be Thou Our Stay Ps 31:1-3 18 247 505 192 170 308
Up Through Endless Ranks of Angels Mark 16:19 491 172 152 159
Upon the Cross Extended Is 53 304 171 453 113 120
Upon the Cross Extended Is 53 304 171 453 113 121
Voices Raised to You We Offer Col 3:16 795 895
Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying Matt 25:1-13 544 609 516 206 177 31
Watchman Tell Us of the Night Is 21:11 71
We All Believe in One True God Apostle's Creed; Heb 1:1-8 37 252 953 271 212
We All Believe in One True God Nicene Creed; Is 43:1-7 38 251 954 270 213 374
We All Believe in One True God Father Apostle's Creed 37 252 953 271 212
We All Believe in One True God Maker Nicene Creed 38 251 954 270 213 374
We Are Called to Stand Together Heb 11 828
We Are the Lord's His All-Sufficient Merit Rom 14:8 453 427 399
We Christians May Rejoice Today Luke 2:20 122 107
We Know that Christ is Raised Rom 6:3-11 603 189 846
We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost John 16:19 33 231 768 190 155 317
We Praise O Christ Your Holy Name John 1:14 382 35
We Praise Thee O God Our Redeemer Creator Ps 26:12 466 568 785 609 494 241
We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God Rev 7:9-17 941
We Praise You, Jesus, at Your Birth Luke 2:7-14 80 382 35 48
We Praise You, O God Ps 107:31-32 466 568 785 609 494 241
We Sing for All the Unsung Saints Heb 11 678
We Sing Immanuel Thy Praise Matt 1:23 152 108
We Sing the Almighty Power of God Ps 149 43 261 441
We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died Gal 6:14 178 429 118 344
We Thank Thee Jesus Dearest Friend Eph 4:8 394 223
We Walk by Faith and Not By Sight Heb 12:2 720 675
We Worship You O God of Might Rev 7:9-14 199
Weary of All Trumpeting Col 2:8-10 428 527 883
Welcome Happy Morning Acts 10:40 202 163 135 153
Welcome to Earth O Noble Guest Luke 2:1-20 38
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord Matt 28:6 456 119 505 92
What a Friend We Have in Jesus Matt 7:7-8 385 457 770 411 516 439
What Child is This Luke 2:1-20 145 370 67 61 40
What God Ordains Is Always Good Rom 8:28 519 521 760 429 422 446
What Hope! An Eden Prophesied Is 11:1, 6-10 342
What Our Father Does is Well Hab 3:17, 18 571
Whatever God Ordains is Right Deut 32:4 519 521 760 429 422 446
When All the World was Cursed John 1:6-9 107 272 346 20 187
When All Thy Mercies O My God Ps 33:1 31 259 196 264
When All Your Mercies O My God Ps 33:1 31 259 196 264
When Christ's Appearing Was Made Known Matt 2:9 81 85
When I Behold Jesus Christ Rom 5:8 542 859
When I Suffer Pains and Losses Ps 73:23 377 523 756 428 423
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Gal 6:14 175 425 125 114 482
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Gal 6:14 308 175 425 115
When in the Hour of Deepest Need Ps 102:1-2 257 522 615 413 428 303
When Israel Was in Egypt's Land Ex 5:1-2 825
When Morning Gilds the Skies Luke 19:37-38 85 807 251 460 545
When Morning Gilds the Skies Phil 2:9-11 807 546
When My Last Hour Is Close at Hand John 15:5 481 594
When o'er My Sins I Sorrow Heb 10:14 276 152 109 367
When Over Sin I Sorrow Heb 10:14 276 152 109 367
When Peace, Like a River Is 26:3 763 346
When Seed Falls on Good Soil Matt 13:8 338 236
When Sinners See Their Lost Condition John 20:19-26 111 65 32
When Streaming from the Eastern Skies Ps 55:1 543
When to Our World the Savior Came Acts 10:38 551
When You Woke That Thursday Morning John 1:29, 36 445
Where Charity and Love Prevail John 13:1-17 845 126 878
Where Shepherds Lately Knelt Luke 2:1-16 369 813
Where Wilt Thou Go Since Night Draws Near Luke 24:29 578 197
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night Luke 2:11 147 109 70
While with Ceaseless Course the Sun Ps 90:12 113
While Yet the Morn is Breaking Ps 66:3 86 544 585
Who are These that Earnest Knock Luke 2:4-16 63
Who are You Who Walk in Sorrow Luke 24:13-35 476
Who Knows when Death May Overtake Me Ps 90:12 483 598 598 210
Who Trusts in God a Strong Abode Ps 73:25-26 261 437 714 447 414 450
Why do We Mourn Departing Friends Mark 5:39 593
Wide Open Stand the Gates Rev 5 639
With Broken Heart and Contrite Sigh Luke 18:13 455 323 303
With High Delight Let Us Unite Is 52:9-10 483 168 134 140
With the Lord Begin Thy Task Col 3:17 82 540 869 478 483 444
With the Lord Begin Your Task Col 3:17 82 540 869 478 483 444
Within the Father's House Luke 2:41-52 185 133 410 80
Wondrous King All-Glorious Ps 150:6 41
Word of God, Come Down on Earth John 1:1-3 545 716
Word Supreme Before Creation John 21:20 271
Ye Lands to the Lord Make a Jubilant Noise Ps 100 56 44 252 205 256
Ye Parents, Hear What Jesus Taught Mark 10:14 186 630 516 473
Ye Sons and Daughters of the King John 20 366 208 470 165 130 139
Ye Sons of Men Oh Hearken Luke 3:4, 5 75 354 14 25
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones Rev 7:9-15 540 475 670 308 175
Yea as I Live Jehovah Saith Ezek 33:11 417 331 614 308 235
You Are God; We Praise You Is 6:1-3 939 3
You Are the Way to You Alone John 14:6 363 355 526 356 283 464
You Are the Way; Through You Alone John 14:6 363 355 526 356 283 464
You Have Put on Christ Gal 3:27 845
You Parents Hear What Jesus Taught Mark 10:14 186 630 516 473
You Satisfy the Hungry Heart Ps 81:16 641 855 711
You Will I Love My Strength John 14:23 409 399 694 476 375 502
Your Hand, O Lord, in Days of Old Luke 19:10 846 520 399 431
Your Heart, O God, is Grieved Heb 4:16 945 96 820
Your Kingdom, O God, Is My Glorious Treasure Matt 13:24-33, 45 654
Your Works Not Mine O Christ Phil 3:9 380 565 401
Yours Forever God of Love Mal 3:17 515 338 687 426 256
Zion Mourns in Fear and Anguish Is 49:14-17 550 268
Zion Stands by Hills Surrounded Ps 125:2 474
Zion, Rise, Zion, Rise Rev 2-3 479
All that I Was My Sin My Guilt 1 Cor 15:10 451 378
Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven 1 Cor 15:54b-57 477
Almighty Father Heaven and Earth 1 Pet 4:10 447 438 480
Am I a Soldier of the Cross 1 Cor 16:13 445
An Awefull Mystery Is Here 1 Cor 11:23-35 309 304
Asleep in Jesus Blessed Sleep 1 Thess 4:14 478 587 605
Christ by Heavenly Hosts Adored 1 Tim 2:1-3 617 499
Christ is Arisen 1 Cor 15:17-20 187 459 144 124 136
Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Living 1 Cor 15:12-23 479 833
Christ Thou Art the Sure Foundation 1 Kings 9:3 466 367
Christians Sing Out with Exultation 1 John 4:2 100
Christians, to the Paschal Victim 1 Cor 15:17-20 460 10 137
Church of God, Elect and Glorious 1 Peter 2:9-10 646 864
Come My Soul Thy Suit Prepare 1 Kings 3:5 381 459 779 409 433
Come My Soul with All Thy Care 1 Kings 3:5 381 459 779 409 433
Come, Thou Almighty King 1 Tim 6:14-16 12 239 905 193 169 522
Deep Were His Wounds 1 Peter 2:24 821
Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord 1 Cor 11:23-26 314 307 637 309 240 226
Enslaved by Sin and Bound in Chains 1 Pet 1:18, 19 141 102
Even as We Live Each Day 1 Sam 20:3 527 590 755 534 265 350
Father Let Me Dedicate 1 Pet 2:9 118 75
Fight the Good Fight 1 Tim 6:12 249 447 664 457 299 461
Fight the Good Fight with All Thy Might 1 Tim 6:12 249 447 664 457 299 461
Forever with the Lord 1 Thess 4:17 552 616 213
Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go 1 Peter 2:9 920 518 459
Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I Go 1 Cor 15:58 506 854 456 380 505
Give Me Jesus 1 Peter 1:8 976 777
Glory Be to Jesus 1 Pet 1:18-19 283 158 433 103 98 95
God Brought Me to this Time and Place 1 Sam 7:12 71 33 456
God Loves Me Dearly 1 John 4:9-10 175 392
Great God What do I See and Hear? 1 Thess 4:16, 17 604 208
He is Arisen! Glorious Word 1 Cor 15:3-8 348 189 488 162 520 138
He's Risen, He's Risen 1 Cor 15:54-57 350 198 480 143 138
Holy Ghost with Light Divine 1 Thess 5:23 402 234 496 278 166
Holy Spirit Hear Us 1 Cor 12:7-9 229
Holy Spirit Truth Divine 1 Thess 5:23 234 496 183 166 257
Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling 1 Cor 2:14-16 650 182 164 523
Holy Spirit, Gift of God 1 Cor 12:3 835
Hope of the World 1 Tim 1:1 690 377 493
I Bind Unto Myself Today 1 Peter 1:1-9 604 172 188
I Come O Savior to Your Table 1 Cor 11:23-29 313 315 618 310 242 213
I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table 1 Cor 11:23-29 313 315 618 310 242 213
I Lay My Sins on Jesus 1 John 1:7 239 652 606 372 366 305
I Pray Thee Dear Lord Jesus 1 John 3:23 178 655 510 476
I Pray You Dear Lord Jesus 1 John 3:23 178 655 510 476
I Walk in Danger All the Way 1 Pet 5:8-9 252 413 716 431 391
If Christ Had Not Been Raised From Death 1 Cor 15:12-26 486
In the Midst of Earthly Life 1 Sam 20:3 527 590 755 534 265 350
In You is Gladness 1 Pet 1:6-9 149 818 346 442 552
Invited, Lord, by Boundless Grace 1 Cor 11:26 308
It Happened on that Fateful Night 1 Cor 11: 23ff 164 136 127
Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense 1 Cor 15:34-58 532 206 741 167 266 340
Jesus Your Blood and Righteousness 1 John 1:7 432 371 563 376 362 302
Jesus, Priceless Treasure 1 Peter 1:18-19 263 347 743 349 270 457
Jesus, Priceless Treasure 1 Peter 1:18-19 264 347 743 349 270 458
Lord Jesus Christ Thou hast Prepared 1 Cor 11:26 306 622 312 246 208
Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray 1 Cor 10:16-17 311 314 623 250 225
Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared 1 Cor 11:23-28 306 622 312 246 208
Lord Jesus Who Art Come 1 Cor 4:1 503 485
Lord of Glory, You have Bought Us 1 John 3:16-19 459 442 851 486 402 424
Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart 1 John 4:19 406 429 708 434 413 325
Make Songs of Joy to Christ Our Head 1 Cor 15:55-57 484 132 150
May God the Father of Our Lord 1 Pet 5:10 597 254
My Hope is Built on Nothing Less 1 Tim 1:1 370 575 368 294
My Soul Be on Thy Guard 1 Thess 5:6 449
Not for Tongues of Heaven's Angels 1 Cor 13 695 495
Now I have Found the Firm Foundation 1 Cor 3:11 385 386 360
Now Let All Loudly Sing Praise 1 Chron 29:11, 12 28 258
Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling 1 Cor 11:23-26 630 852
O Blessed Light, O Trinity 1 John 1:5-7 574 564 890 591 487 275
O God Thou Faithful God 1 Kings 3:5 470 395 696 459 371 504
O God, My Faithful God 1 John 5:14-15 470 395 696 459 371 504
O Holy Spirit, Enter In 1 Cor 3:16 27 235 913 184 160 459
O Living Bread from Heaven 1 Cor 11:23-26 326 316 642 314 244 197
O Lord, We Praise Thee 1 Cor 11:23-26 327 313 617 317 238 215
O Love Who Madest Me to Wear 1 John 4:16 397
O Savior, Precious Savior 1 Pet 1:8-9 352 527 368 282 514
O Thou Whose Feet have Climbed Life's Hill 1 Cor 16:13 486
O What Precious Balm and Healing 1 Pet 2:24 293 144 421 121 95
Of the Father's Love Begotten 1 Tim 3:16 181 98 384 35 36 42
Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices 1 Chron 16:31-36 30 811 194 448 560
Only-Begotten, Word of God Eternal 1 Kings 8:27-30 916 323 375
Our Paschal Lamb, That Sets Us Free 1 Cor 5:7-8 473 830 679
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 1 Chron 16:23-26 65 39 790 234 444 543
Preserve Your Word, O Savior 1 Peter 1:5-7 533 264 658 289 337
Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 1 Cor 10:4 286 376 761 389 361 327
Son of God, Eternal Savior 1 Pet 1:20-23 842 492 394 364
Song of Hannah 1 Sam 2:1-10 928
Speak O Lord Thy Servant Heareth 1 Sam 3:10 230 296 589 283 339
Speak O Savior I am Listening 1 Sam 3:10 230 296 589 283 339
Speak, O Lord, Your Servant Listens 1 Sam 3:10 230 296 589 283 339
Sweet the Moments Rich in Blessing 1 John 1:7 300 155 111
Thanks to Thee, O Christ, Victorious 1 Cor 15:51-57 207 548 147
The Clouds of Judgment Gather 1 Peter 1:3-9 534 605 513 463 322
The Lord Hath Helped Me Hitherto 1 Sam 7:12 71 33 456
The Morning Sun is Brightly Beaming 1 John 1:7 545
The Strife is O'er, the Battle Done 1 Cor 15:55-57 357 210 464 148 143 135
This is the Threefold Truth 1 Cor 11:23-26 406 863
This Joyful Eastertide 1 Cor 15:17-20 482 160 140 149 676
Though I May Speak With Bravest Fire 1 Cor 13 498
Thy Body, Given for Me, O Savior 1 Cor 11:23-29 313 315 619 242 213
Thy Ways O Lord with Wise Design 1 Cor 13:12 530
Today in Triumph Christ Arose 1 Pet 1:3-5 358 164 136
Triumphant from the Grave 1 Cor 15:20-26, 55-57 360 151 144
Twas on That Dark That Doleful Night 1 Cor 11: 23ff 164 136 127
Water, Blood, and Spirit Crying 1 John 5:5-8 597
We Bid Thee Welcome in the Name 1 Cor 4:1, 2 484 547 262
We Bid You Welcome in the Name 1 Cor 4:1, 2 484 547 262
We Give Thee But Thine Own 1 John 3:16-18 445 441 781 485 405 410
We Give You But Our Own 1 John 3:16-18 445 441 781 485 405 410
What Is the World to Me 1 John 2:15-17 446 430 730 477 418
What Is This Bread 1 Cor 11:23-29 629 850
What Wondrous Love is This 1John 4:7-10 306 543 120 385 860
When in Our Music God is Glorified 1 Chron 16:4-36 380 796 248 449 555 802
Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me 1 Peter 1:6-9 377 523 756 428 423
Your Table I Approach 1 Cor 11:23-29 310 628 249
Awake O Spirit of the Watchmen 2 Thess 3:1 395 494 567 315 382
Awake O Spirit Who Inspired 2 Thess 3:1 395 494 567 315 382
Awake thou spirit of the watchmen 2 Thess 3:1 395 494 567 315 382
Awake Thou Spirit Who Didst Fire 2 Thess 3:1 395 494 567 315 382
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart 2 Cor 9:15 806
God of the Prophets, Bless the Prophets' Sons 2 Kings 2:1-15 501 483 682 543 258
Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord 2 Thess 3:16 584 777 522 219 471
Here in Thy Name Eternal God 2 Chron 6:20 635
I Know My Faith is Founded 2 Tim 1:12 494 381 587 403 354
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light 2 Cor 4:4-6 411 649
In the Name which Earth and Heaven 2 Chron 6:20 632
Listen, God Is Calling 2 Thess 2:14 833 872 712
My Course is Run, Praise God, My Course is Run 2 Tim 4:7 528 599
O How Great Is Thy Compassion 2 Cor 9:15 460 384 559 364
O Jesus Blessed Lord My Praise 2 Cor 9:15 325 309 632 316 245 220
O Jesus Blessed Lord to Thee 2 Cor 9:15 325 309 632 316 245 220
O Jesus Blessed Lord to You 2 Cor 9:15 325 309 632 316 245 220
O Splendor of God's Glory Bright 2 Cor 4:6 81 550 874 586 481 271
O Trinity, O Trinity 2 Cor 4:6-7 836
Oh How Great Is Thy Compassion 2 Cor 9:15 460 384 559 364
Oh Rejoice All Christians Loudly 2 Cor 8:9 163 96 897 45 40
Oh Rejoice Ye Christians Loudly 2 Cor 8:9 163 96 897 45 40
Praise to You and Adoration 2 Thess 2:15-17 596 401 692 470 387 470
Renew Me, O Eternal Light 2 Cor 3:18 398 704 471 373 511
That Day of Wrath That Dreadful Day 2 Pet 3:10 612
We Have a Sure Prophetic Word 2 Pet 1:19 234 290 291 340
When Aimless Violence Takes Those We Love 2 Cor 1:3-5 764 890
When in the Hour of Utmost Need 2 Chron 20:12 257 522 615 413 428 303
Who Is This that Comes from Edom 2 Tim 1:10 209
A Boy is Born in Bethlehem 112
A Wondrous Mystery is Here 309
Abide in Grace O Jesus 579
All Hail to You O Blessed Morn 73
All My Hope on God is Founded 203
All Praise Be Yours 350
All Praise to You O Lord 78
All Who Love and Serve Your City 436
All You Works of the Lord 931 9 18
Alleluia Alleluia Give Thanks 154
Alleluia Jesus Lives 340 153
Alleluia—I 951 907
Alleluia—II 952 613
And Have the Bright Immensities 391
Arise My Soul Arise 244 516
Arise My Soul Sing Joyfully 118 44
Around the Throne a Glorious Band 549
Around You O Lord Jesus 496
As After the Waterbrooks Panteth 462
As Angels Joyed with One Accord 5
As Men of Old Their Firstfruits Brought 404
As Saints of Old Their Firstfruits Brought 404
At Jesus Feet Our Infant Sweet 245
At the Cross Her Station Keeping 110
Awake and Sing the Song 17
Baptized in Water 297
Battle Hymn of the Republic 332
Be Not Dismayed Thou Little Flock 375
Before Thy Throne I Now Appear 564
Before Your Awsome Majesty 50
Beneath the Cross of Jesus 330 107
Beneath the Cross of Jesus Kneeling 288
Blessing and Honor and Glory and Power 525
Blest Be the God of Israel 275
Bow Down Your Ear Almighty Lord 286
Bread of the World in Mercy Broken 312
Break Now the Bread of Life 235
Breathe on Me Breath of God 488
Bright and Glorious is the Sky 120 75
Brothers and Sisters Let Us Gladly 484
By Adam's Fall is All Forlorn 430
By Faith We Are Divinely Sure 229
Christ Alone is Our Salvation 484
Christ High Ascended 558
Christ is Alive Let Christians Sing 363
Christ is Risen Alleluia 131
Christ is the King O Friends Rejoice 386
Christ is the World's Light 343
Cold December Flies Away 53
Come Let Us With Our Lord Arise 3
Come My Way My Truth My Life 513
Come Rejoice Before Your Maker 228
Come Risen Lord and Deign to Be Our Guest 209
Come With Us O Blessed Jesus 219
Cradling Children in His Arm 193
Creator of the Starry Height 108
Cup of Blessing That We Share 204
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 506
Dearest Jesus Draw Thou Near Me 13
Death is Dead the True Life Liveth 346
Deep Were His Wounds and Red 107 100
Down From the Mount of Glory 97
Draw Us to Thee in Mind and Heart 581
Eternal God Before Your Throne We Bend 354
Eternal Ruler of the Ceaseless Round 373
Eternal Son of God O Thou 68
Faith is a Living Power from Heaven 361 404
Faith of Our Fathers Living Still 500
Father Eternal Ruler of Creation 413
Father Son and Holy Ghost 509
Fear and Love Thy God and Lord 510
Filled With the Spirit's Power with One Accord 160
Fling Out the Banner Let It Float 504
For Christian Homes O Lord We Pray 500
For Perfect Love So Freely Spent 216
For the Beauty of the Earth 463 561
For the Bread Which You Have Broken 200
For Years on Years of Matchless Grace 621
Give Praise to God Our King 58
Give Thanks to God on High 553
Give To Our God Immortal Praise 520
Glorious in Majesty 496
Glory Be to God in Heaven 264
Glory Be to the Father 273
Go Labor On 563
God Be With You till We Meet Again 327
God Be With You till We Meet Again 327
God Is Here As We His People 532
God My Lord My Strength My Place of Hiding 204 450 484
God of Love and God of Marriage 602
God of Our Life All Glorious Lord 270
God Rest You Merry Gentlemen 126
God Save Our Gracious Queen 568
God the Omnipotent King Who Ordainest 462
God Was There on Calvary 140
God We Praise You 42 277
God Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens 463
God Whose Giving Knows No Ending 408
God's Own Child I Gladly Say It 246
Good News of God Above 568
Great God a Blessing From Your Throne 185
Great God Our Source and Lord of Space 466
Great God We Praise Thy Gracious Care 600
He Leadeth Me O Blessed Thought 501
He Stood Before the Court 115
Hear Us Now Our God and Father 188 603 288
Heavenly Father Hear Our Prayer 289
His Battle Ended There 146
Holy Ghost Dispel Our Sadness 20
Holy Majesty Before You 247
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God 0
How Blessed is the Little Flock 585
How Blest Are They 607
How Fair the Church of Christ Shall Stand 418
How Marvelous God's Greatness 515
How Rich at Eastertide 349
How Shall They Hear the Word of God 575
I Am Alone Your God and Lord 488
I Hear the Savior Calling 560
I Know that My Redeemer 373
I Know Thee Savior God Thou Art 307
I Love to Tell the Story 562 390
I See Thee Standing Lamb of God 70
I Sing the Birth Was Born Tonight 130
I Stand Beside Thy Manger Here 129
In a Lowly Manger Born 417
In Heaven Above In Heaven Above 542 330
In Heaven Is Joy and Gladness 482
In Jesus I Find My Rest and Peace 437
In Jesus Name 4
In the Quiet Consecration 223
In This Our Happy Christmastide 150
In Trembling Hands Lord God We Hold 199
In Vain Would Boasting Reason Find 254
Jesus Shepherd of the Sheep 436
Jesus Sun of Righteousness 84
Jesus Tender Shepherd Hear Me 568
Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Hearts 318
Jesus Your Church with Loving Eyes 9
King of Glory King of Peace 442
Lead On O King Eternal 495
Let All the World In Every Corner Sing 22
Let All Things Now Living 260 557
Let the Whole Creation Cry 242
Let Us Break Bread Together on Our Knees 212
Let Us With a Gladsome Mind 521
Light of the Minds that Know Him 425
Look Now He Stands Stones Could Not Hold Him Down 152
Look O Look the Sight is Glorious 390 222 495 156
Look Oh Look the Sight is Glorious 390 222 495 156
Lord as a Pilgrim Through Life I Go 485
Lord Christ When You First Came to Earth 421
Lord God the Holy Ghost 162
Lord God Who Art My Father Dear 386
Lord Hear the Voice of My Complaint 255
Lord Jesus Christ True Man and God 238
Lord Jesus Christ You Have Bestowed 320
Lord Jesus Though but Two or Three 5
Lord Jesus You are Going Forth 126
Lord Jesus You Have Come 546
Lord of Light Your Name Outstanding 405
Lord of Lords the Sparkling Heavens 237
Lord of Our Growing Years 507
Lord of the Home 502
Lord Our God With Praise We Come Before You 244
Lord Receive this Company 255
Lord Save Your World in Bitter Need 420
Lord Speak to Us That We May Speak 561 403
Lord Teach Us How to Pray Aright 382 412 438
Lord When Your Glory I Shall See 219
Lord Who the Night You Were Betrayed Did Pray 206
Lord With Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee 243
Lord You Love the Cheerful Giver 489
Lord, Have Mercy on Us 0
Lost in the Night Do the People Yet Languish 394
Love Consecrates the Humblest Act 122
Love is the Gracious Gift 505
Maker of the Earth and Heaven 266
Master of Eager Youth 183
May the Grace of Christ Our Savior 326
May the Mind of Christ My Savior 467
Most Ancient of All Mysteries 419
My Country Tis of Thee 566
My God and Is Thy Table Spread 323
My God How Wonderful Thou Art 524
My Heart is Longing to Praise My Savior 61 364 326
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need 374
Nature with Open Volume Stands 199 119
Near the Cross Was Mary Weeping 294
Not Alone for Mighty Empire 143
Not in Anger Mighty God 454 423
Now All the Woods are Sleeping 276
Now Christ is Risen 355
Now Christ the Sinless Son of God 248
Now Hush Your Cries and Shed No Tear 480
Now I have Found the Ground Wherein 499
Now Lay We Calmly in the Grave 476
Now Let Triumphant Faith Dispel 260
Now the Green Blades Rise from the Buried Grain 148
Now We Join in Celebration 203
O Bless the Lord My Soul 369
O Blessed Sun Whose Splendor 531
O Bread of Life From Heaven 266 222
O Christ Our King Creator Lord 101
O Christ the Healer We Have Come 360
O Christians Haste 570
O DearestLord Thy Sacred Head 118
O Father May Thy Word Prevail 215
O God Empower Us to Stem 422
O God I Love Thee Not That My Poor Love 491
O God of Earth and Altar 428
O God of Every Nation 416
O God of Light's Great Mystery 201
O God of Youth Whose Spirit in Our Hearts is Stirring 510
O God Send Heralds Who Will Never Falter 283
O God Your Hand the Heavens Made 481
O Happy Day When We Shall Stand 590 351
O Holy Ghost Thou Gift Divine 26
O How Holy is This Place 28
O How Shall I Receive Thee 94
O Jesus at Your Altar Now 324
O Jesus Christ All Praise to Thee 136
O Jesus Christ May Grateful Hymns be Rising 427
O Jesus I Have Promised 503
O Jesus Joy of Loving Hearts 356
O Jesus Lord of Heavenly Grace 487
O Light of God's Most Wondrous Love 399
O Lord Our God Your Gracious Hand 511
O Lord Send Forth Your Spirit 392
O Lord Who in Thy Love Divine 505
O Lord You Have in Your Pure Grace 407
O Love Divine How Sweet Thou Art 62
O Love that Casts Out Fear 604
O Love that Will Not Let Me Go 324
O Master Let Me Walk With You 492
O Master of the Loving Heart 491
O One With God the Father 77
O Paschal Feast What Joy is Thine 342
O Sinner Come Thy Sin to Mourn 272
O Son of God We Wait for Thee 536
O Spirit of Life O Spirit of God 186
O Thou Who Hast of Thy Pure Grace 442
O Watch and Pray 516
O Zion Haste Your Mission High Fulfilling 397
Of my Life the Life O Jesus 336
Of the Glorious Body Telling 120
Of Zion's Honor Angels Sing 216
Oh Come My Soul 99
Oh Gladsome Light of the Father Immortal 279
Oh Happy Day When We Shall Stand 590 351
Oh Perfect Life of Love 138
Oh Praise the Lord My Soul 538
Oh Sing My Soul Your Maker's Praise 425 319
On Mary Virgin Undefiled 268
On Our Way Rejoicing 260
One There Is Above All Others 298
Our Father Throned in Heaven Above 384
Our Table Now with Food is Spread 601
Over Kedron Jesus Treadeth 295
Peace to Soothe Our Bitter Woes 595 338
Praise Be to the Lord 276
Praise God This Hour of Sorrow 475
Praise the Lord O Heavens Adore Him 64 540
Praise the Lord of Heaven 541
Praise the Lord Rise Up Rejoicing 196
Praise the Lord Ye Heavens Adore Him 64 540
Praise the Savior Now and Ever 155
Praise to the Father for His Lovingkindness 517
Praise to the Father the Glorious King of Creation 7
Prasie and Thanksgiving Be to God Our Maker 191
Rejoice Angelic Choirs Rejoice 146
Rejoice Rejoice Ye Christians 132
Rise Arise 30
Rise Children of the Kingdom 105
Rise O Children of Salvation 182
Rise Up O Saints of God 383
Round the Lord in Glory Seated 408
Sing a New Song to the Lord 245
So Rest My Rest 338
Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart 486
Spirit of God Sent from Heaven Abroad 285
Spirit of God Unleashed On Earth 387
Strengthen for Service Lord the Hands 218
Sweet Is the Work My God My King 469
Take the World but Give Me Jesus 355
The Bells of Christmas Chime Once More 62
The Church of Christ in Every Age 433
The Day Full of Grace 254
The Day You Gave Us Lord has Ended 886 594 274
The First Day of the Week 246
The First Noel the Angel Did Say 56
The Happy Christmas Comes Once More 143
The Hills are Bare at Bethlehem 61
The King of Glory Comes 363
The Kingdom Satan Founded 259
The Litany 661
The Lord Into His Father's Hands 339
The Lord is God There Is No Other 292
The Lord My Faithful Shepherd Is 368
The Lord Will Come and Not be Slow 318
The Mystery Hidden from the Eyes 405
The New Church Year Again Is Come 93
The Power of Sin No Longer 243
The Son of God Our Christ the Word the Way 525 434
The Stars Declare His Glory 246
The Sun Has Gone Down 575
Thee God We Praise Thy Name We Bless 44
Thee We Adore Eternal Lord 547
Then the Glory 218
There is a Green Hill Far Away 114
There is a Save and Secret Place 218
There's a Voice in the Wilderness Crying 13
There's a Wideness in God's Mercy 290
They Cast Their Nets in Galilee 449
They Leave Their Place on High 197
Thine is the Glory 73 145
This is My Father's World 554
This is My Will 497
This is the Feast of Victory 359 265
This Little Babe So Few Days Old 162
Thou to Whom the Sick and Dying 237
Though In Midst of Life We Be 527
Thus Far the Lord Has Led Me On 566
Thy Hand O God Has Guided 196
Thy Little Ones Dear Lord Are We 144
Thy Love O Gracious God and Lord 449
Thy Soul O Jesus Hallow Me 290
Thy Way and All Thy Sorrows 208
To God Be Glory Peace on Earth 21
To God Be the Glory 399
True God and Yet a Man 269
Twas in the Moon of Wintertime 72
Unto the Hills Around Do I Look Up 445
Vain World Now Farewell 529
Victim Divine Your Grace We Claim 202
Wake the Welcome Day Appeareth 95
We All Are One in Mission 566
We Are Called by One Vocation 421
We Are Your People 526
We Bless Thee Jesus Christ Our Lord 275
We Place Upon Your Table Lord 217
We Plow the Fields and Scatter 362
We Praise You Lord for Jesus Christ 301 190
We Sing Thy Praise O God 45
We Thank You for Your Blessings 615
We Who Once Were Dead 207
When Afflictions Sore Oppress You 256
When Christmas Morn is Dawning 146 48 59
When Earth With All Its Joys Defeats Me 479
When God the Spirit Came 187
When Israel Through the Desert Passed 231
When Our Heads are Bowed With Woe 274
Where Cross the Crowded Years of Life 429
Where Restless Crowds are Thronging 430
Where Shepherds Lately Knelt 54
Who Is This Host Arrayed in White 676 314
Whoever Would Be Saved 39
Wide Open Are Thy Hands 265 489
Wide Open Are Your Hands 265 489
Wilt Thou Forgive that Sin Where I Begun 498
With God As Our Friend With His Spirit and Word 371
With Trembling Awe the Chosen Three 225
Wondrous Are Your Ways O God 307 311
Worthy Is Christ the Lamb Who Was Slain 359
You Servants of God Your Master Proclaim 252
Your Kingdom Come O Father 384
Your Kingdom Come O Father Hear Our Prayer 376
Your Little Ones Dear Lord Are We 46 52
Your Love O God Has Called Us Hear 601
Your Word O Lord is Gentle Dew 232
Zion to Thy Savior Singing 321