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+ 10/27/2024 9:00 Rock Dell Festival of the Reformation: Rite FourCSV Data Print (1)
Reformation, Saints' Days Red

The Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Refuge. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. God is our Refuge and Strength, A very present Help in trouble. Glory...

  1. Invocation; Te Deum (hymn #42); Confession (p. 61, I)
  2. Entrance Hymn: #227:1-4
  3. Kyrie Hymn: #34
  4. Gloria Hymn: #36
  5. The Collect (p. 166, #142)
  6. The Old Testament: 2 Chronicles 29:12-19; Psalm 46 (hymn #250); CW#73D (St. John's Lutheran School Choir); The Epistle: Revelation 14:6-7
  7. The Chief Hymn: #227:5-8
  8. The Gospel: Matthew 11:12-15
  9. The Creed Hymn: #38
  10. The Sermon
  11. The Prayer of the Church (p. 96)
  12. The Offering
  13. The Exhortation
  14. The Lord's Prayer (p. 53)
  15. The Consecration (p. 54)
  16. The Distribution and Reception of the Holy Sacrament; Hymns: #40, #41, #316-317, #327; CW #813 (St. John's Lutheran School Choir)
  17. The Collect of Thanksgiving (p. 56)
  18. The Benediction (p. 56)
  19. A Hymn: #227:9-12
ELH 42God, We Praise You
ELH 227vv. 1-4Salvation Unto Us Is Come
ELH 34Kyrie, God Father in Heaven Above
ELH 36All Glory Be to God Alone
ELH 250A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
ELH 227vv. 5-8Salvation Unto Us Is Come
ELH 38We All Believe in One True God
ELH 40Isaiah, Mighty Seer, in Days of Old
ELH 41Lamb of God, Pure and Holy
ELH 316and 317Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior
ELH 327Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Living Bread
ELH 227vv. 9-12Salvation Unto Us Is Come
+ 10/20/2024 8:00 & 10:45 Trinity 21: Rite OneCSV Data Print (2)
Spiritual Armor Green

O Lord, King Almighty, Your power is over all things; there is no one who is able to resist Your will. You have made heaven and earth and all things enclosed by the heavens. Blessed are the undefiled in the way, Who walk in the law of the Lord. Glory...

Alleluia! O Lord, deal with Your servant according to Your mercy and teach me Your statutes. I am Your servant, give me understanding: that I may know your testimonies. Alleluia!||Alleluia! Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers: praise Him and highly exalt Him forever. Alleluia!

  • Psalm 119: Part 1 (Aleph), p. 190
ELH 517vv. 1-5If God Himself Be for Me
ELH 517vv. 6-10If God Himself Be for Me
ELH 540Offering HymnYe Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
ELH 324Distribution HymnO Jesus, at Your Altar Now
ELH 517vv. 11-15If God Himself Be for Me
ELH 586How Blest Are They Who Hear

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